Great Big Underground Museum

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A knock on the bedroom door caught Mei's ear over the noise of the shower, and she lifted her head from where it was hanging over the bath.

"Yeah? Who's that?"

"Mei? Are you alright?" the Doctor called, barely able to hear her.

"One minute!" the older Tyler called back a bit louder, then promptly spat out the water that had managed to get in her mouth.

She reached up and turned off the shower, letting it go to quickly wrap the towel on her shoulders over her hair. Straightening up, she cringed at the pain in her back from being kneeled over the bath for so long and hurried out of the bathroom. She'd need to ask the Tardis to change her bathroom around a bit.

"Coming!" she sang as she made for her door and opened it, grinning up at the Doctor while still holding the towel on top of her head, "What's up?"

He quickly pulled his eyes away from the small grey nightdress she was wearing, clearing his throat and announced, "There's a signal drawing the TARDIS off course, thought I'd better make sure you and Rose are awake before we get there."

"Oh right, thanks," she beamed, "Is Rose up yet?"

"Not yet," he shrugged, "I came to get you first, your room was closer."

"Okay well, you'll do," she shrugged.

"I'll do for what?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as she quickly rubbed her hair with the towel.

Mei just grinned and tossed the towel toward the bathroom, running her fingers through her hair to show the purple streaks in her now dark brown hair. The Doctor blinked at her a few times, staring at the colours, then at her face, and then back at the colour.

 The Doctor blinked at her a few times, staring at the colours, then at her face, and then back at the colour

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She bit her lip, nervously asking, "Well?"

"I like it," he decided, nodding, "It suits you."

"Cool," she laughed, "Well, you go wake Rose, I need to dry my hair and get dressed, I'll meet you in the console room?"

"Okay, see you soon," he wandered off, glancing back quickly to catch sight of her once more before she closed the door, then said to himself, "I definitely like it."

Mei quickly dried and brushed out her hair, grinning when she realised the Tardis had set out some clothing for her. Once dressed, she applied some eyeliner and hurried along to the console room, almost tripping over her own feet in excitement. Or it could have been the high heeled booties, but she doubted it.

"Love the hair!" Rose commented as Mei came to her side, "It's been a while since you've put colour in it."

"I found it in the bathroom this morning," the older sister shrugged, then looked to the Doctor, "Have we landed?"

"Just, yeah," he beamed at her, then led the way to the door.

"So, what is it? What's wrong?" Rose asked as they stepped out into a dark room.

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