Plastic Mickey And Pizza

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Rose appeared later in the afternoon, practically buzzing with excitement. Jackie had gone out to see some friends and Mei was sure she'd mentioned something about the police station as well.

The auburn haired girl had been preparing dinner when the blonde grabbed her and half-dragged her out the door. The good news being that dinner was in the slow cooker which would turn itself off after the timer ran down, so Mei didn't need to worry about the house catching fire.

"We're going to meet this guy Clive, he knows about the Doctor, Mickey's gonna drive us, come on."

"Oh great, Mickey," Mei sighed.

The drive to this 'Clive's' house was filled with Rose and Mickey arguing about him going with them. For once Mei kind of wanted to agree with him, Rose had no idea who this man was. But at the same time, she didn't want Mickey knowing all about the Doctor.

"You're not coming in! He's safe, he's got a wife and kids," Rose insisted as they parked across the street.

"Yeah but who told you that? He did," Mickey retorted, Mei rolled her eyes and got out of the car, slamming the door behind her. "That's exactly what an Internet lunatic murderer would say."

Rose got out anyway, grinning at her sister before the two crossed the road. Mei shut the gate behind her as Rose chapped the door. A few seconds later, a young boy of twelve opened it and stared at them in disbelief.

"Uh, hello, I've come to see Clive? We've been emailing," Rose said, and Mei rolled her eyes.

"Way to make yourself sound like his affair," she muttered, earning a dig in the ribs as the young boy gave them the 'you're freaks' look.

"Dad!" he called over his shoulder, then gave the sisters another dirty look, "It's some of your nutters!"

An older man came down the hall, grinning at the two of them while his son slipped away into another room. "Sorry. Hello. You must be Rose and Mei. I'm Clive. Obviously!"

With an embarrassed chuckle, Rose said, "I better tell you now, my boyfriend's waiting in the car, just in case you're going to kill me!" The two of them laughed, while Mei rolled her eyes again.

"No, good point. No murders," Clive said in good spirit, waving to Mickey before letting the two girls into the house.

"Who is it?" a woman's voice called from upstairs as they were led through the back to the kitchen.

"Oh it's something to do with the Doctor! She's been reading the website!" Clive called back, then gestured to the back door, "Please come through, I'm in the shed."

The shed was like a shrine to the Doctor, which sort of freaked Mei out. Sure she was curious but this guy was border lining obsessed. Conspiracy nut? Stalker? She wasn't too sure which.

"A lot of this stuff's quite sensitive, I couldn't just send it to you. People might intercept it, if you know what I mean," Clive explained, holding up a folder of papers. "If you dig deep enough - keep a lively mind - this Doctor keeps cropping up all over the place. Political diaries, conspiracy theories. Even ghost stories."

Mei raised an eyebrow, then moved to stand on the other side of the table to Rose and Clive so that she could see.

"First name, no last name. Just "The Doctor". Always The Doctor. And the title seems to have been passed down from father to son, it appears to be an inheritance. That's your Doctor there, isn't it?"

He pointed to the computer screen behind him and Rose nodded, "Yeah."

"I tracked it down to the Washington public archive last year. The online photo's enhanced, but if we look at the original . . ."

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