Woman Wept

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"So what do we think?" The Doctor asked, leaning against the console with a face-eating grin.

Mei, Rose and Jack were all leaning out of the doorway, staring down at the planet below them in awe.  The huge continental landmass was one block, all round and shaped like a woman lamenting, everything either white or a glittering blue colour.

"It's beautiful, where are we?" Mei asked.

"Woman Wept."

Rose giggled slightly, "And what happens on that planet? Is it filled with crying women?"

"Oh!" Jack straightened up with a grin, "That's why we're here? To cheer up these poor women? I bet i could stop those tears."

The four time travellers burst into laughter, though soon it quietened and the Doctor offered, "Shall we go take a look? You might need warm clothes though, it's a cold planet down there, lots of ice and snow."

"Okay!" his three companions chimed.

"I'm going to get changed," Mei announced, brushing a kiss across the Doctor's cheek as she passed him.

When the four of them were bundled up warm enough, the Doctor landed the Tardis and allowed the girls and Jack out first

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When the four of them were bundled up warm enough, the Doctor landed the Tardis and allowed the girls and Jack out first. Mei stood a few feet from the others, head thrown back to look at the waves towering hundreds and hundreds of feet above them, frozen in place. 

As she slowly looked around, she realised the whole planet was frozen over, no living creature in sight other than the four of them. Which gave her an idea. Crouching, she rolled some snow into a ball, checking over her shoulder to make sure the others weren't looking, then pitched it at her sister.

Rose screamed in surprise as the white slush hit her face, immediately ducking down to make her own projectile. Mei laughed, unable to help herself, then yelped as the blonde pelted her with a snow ball in return.

"Oi!" she exclaimed, then glanced at the two boys, a wicked grin covering her face, "Free for all!"

Mei had never had so much fun in a snow fight before, especially since she now had some telekinetic abilities that gave her an advantage when all three turned on her. Though of course, it left the four of them out of breath and soaked to the bone an hour later. Rose shivered as she cuddled into Jack, the american grinning at her suggestively. The Doctor smacked him over the back of the head with a warning look, then moved forward to wrap an arm around Mei's waist.

"Back to the TARDIS. Warm, dry clothes, i think."

"No!" Mei whined, "I want to look around some more, come on, we'll only end up getting wet again if we go change and come back out!"

The Doctor looked from the brunette to Jack and Rose, both of whom gave him the puppy dog look, not wanting to go back to the Tardis yet either. "Fine!" he exclaimed, "But if you start turning blue, it's your own fault!"

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