Captain Jack

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He was handsome, Mei would give her sister that. The man that the blonde was trailing behind had black hair and blue eyes, with a strong american accent. That didn't stop Mei shoving him out of the way to give Rose a hug, though. 

"Oh-kay?" he said to himself, eyeing the sisters. He looked confused, as if no one had ever pushed him out of the way to get to someone else before. His eyes then turned to the Doctor. "Good evening. Hope we're not interrupting, Jack Harkness. I've been hearing all about you both on the way over."

"You have?" Mei asked, pulling away from Rose to look at the man.

"Yeah, i uh-" Rose gave Mei and the Doctor a look, "He knows. I had to tell him about us being Time Agents."

"So much for keeping our heads down," the brunette commented as she stepped back into the Doctor's chest, his hand immediately finding hers. She then added in mock scolding, "Rosie, you know you're not supposed to tell anyone."

Rose shot her sister a playful glare, seeing just how amused she was. The Doctor simply grinned, glad she was getting back to her normal self. Of course, it only left him with more questions for Mei than ever, but he'd get to that later.

"Well i'm not going to say anything," Jack smiled at them, patting the Doctor on the shoulder, "And it's a real pleasure to meet you, Mister Spock, Miss Mei."

Nobody spoke until he had gone into the ward, and even then the Doctor only looked at Rose with annoyance, while Mei tried not to laugh.

"Mister Spock?" She asked, getting a swat across the back of her head from the Doctor's free hand.

"What was I supposed to say?" Rose shrugged nonchalantly, sending a wink to her sister while the Doctor gave her an unamused glare, "You don't have a name. Don't you ever get tired of Doctor? Doctor who?"

"Nine centuries in, I'm coping."

Mei rolled her eyes, before hugging Rose once again, "I'm so glad you're alright. Where did you even go? What, suddenly fancied a stroll in the middle of the war?"

Rose laughed, stepping out of her sister's grasp, "Who's strolling? I went by barrage balloon. Only way to see an air raid."

"You what?!" the Doctor and Mei demanded, one looking intrigued, the other close to heart failure.

Shaking her head at them, the blonde asked, "Listen, what's a Chula warship?"

"Chula?" Mei repeated, "Chula? Chula-Chula-Chula."

A pat on the head distracted her, and she beamed at the Doctor who gave her a gentle smile in return, before caging his fingers around hers. Neither heard the little 'Aww' that Rose cooed, but the massive grin she wore was hard to miss.

"Come on," The Doctor said, trying to distract the girls before they saw his red ears, "Let's go and chat to this Harkness."

When they reached the ward, Rose took in the patients while Mei and the Doctor watched Jack. He was wandering around the room, using some sort of computerised watch on his wrist to scan the patients.

"What's that?" the brunette murmured, leaning in so that only the Doctor could hear her.

"Some sort of computer, built into a vortex manipulator, i think anyway. I'm not sure, it looks fifty-first century type of technology, and i didn't really pay much attention after the fortieth."

"This just isn't possible," Jack spoke up, interrupting the two, "How did this happen?"

"What kind of Chula ship landed here?" The Doctor asked instead, attempting to cross his arms, only to realise he still had Mei's hand in his. She made a face at him as he tried to contort her arm, and he replied with a sheepish grin, dropping his hands back to his side.

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