Peter Alan Tyler

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The last thing the Doctor expected the next morning - or at least the Tardis equivalent of morning - was to enter the console room only to find Rose and Mei - the latter still in her pyjamas - arguing about something. He didn't even know what they were fighting about, but he could tell they both felt very strongly about opposing each other on it.

"-said no, Rose! Absolutely not! We don't even know if we CAN ask him to do something like that. And we shouldn't have to! It's a horrible idea!"

"For you maybe! You got to know him, you got five years with him! I don't even know what he looks like other than mum's photos!"

"It's not a good idea Rose," Mei sighed, rubbing her temples, "You can't ask something like that of the Doctor, it's wrong."

"Something like what?" the Doctor spoke up, making both girls jump.

Rose shot a glare at Mei and spoke before the brunette could, "I had somewhere i wanted to go, and i THOUGHT my sister would as well, but clearly she doesn't."

"Because you have no idea what it was like then, Rose, no idea," Mei pleaded, "You've grown up on mum's stories, but they are just STORIES!"

"It's not your decision, Mei," the blonde snapped, "I want to go!"

The Doctor glanced between the two girls, bewildered. Mei simply huffed in a breath and turned on her heel, leaving the room. She muttered something about getting dressed, but Rose had already bounded toward the Doctor with a hopeful look in her eye.

"When i was little, Mum always used to read me stories. And there was always one day, at least once a month, where she'd have a bit to drink and talk about a man. Peter Alan Tyler, my dad. The most wonderful man in the world. Born 15th September 1954. That's what Mum always says. So I was thinking."

As the blonde paused for breath, the Doctor felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. He knew what she was going to ask, and now he understood why Mei was against it. But he honestly wanted to believe Rose wasn't that stupid. He wanted to give her the chance. 

"Could we, could we go and see my dad when he was still alive?"

He was still weary though, and asked, "Where's this come from, all of a sudden?"

"All right then, if we can't," Rose became defensive immediately, "If it goes against the laws of times or something, then never mind, just leave it."

Offended, the Doctor replied without thinking, "No, I can do anything. I'm just more worried about you. Mei doesn't seem to want this."

"But I want to see him."

He studied the blonde for a moment, her teary eyes, her curled in figure. He could only imagine how she felt, never knowing her father, never knowing more than what her mother told her. But he was worried, because from what Mei had been saying, he got the impression Rose hadn't exactly heard the truth.

"Your wish is my command," he sighed, "But be careful what you wish for."


Mei returned soon after the Tardis parked herself, and Rose practically danced out the door. She had given the Doctor the date of her parents wedding, and couldn't wait to see it for herself.

"You better be ready for the fall out," Mei commented as she brushed past the Doctor, "This isn't going to end well."

They sat at the back of the Registrar office, watching the couple at the front say their vows. Jackie was younger, but didn't look too different, and Peter Tyler was somewhat handsome with reddish-blonde hair. Beside her mother, stood a three year old Mei, light auburn hair in tight curls, her fists clutching at the skirt of her flower-girl dress. The Doctor thought she was adorable, but he was surprised to see Mei couldn't even look at herself.

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