The Cage

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Rose was worried. Mei hadn't spoken since introducing them to Adam, and was now pacing around a small work desk in the boy's office, her jacket tossed over the back of a chair. She knew her big sister was annoyed with the Doctor, but she knew Mei was also scared. Scared for him, scared for them, scared for what might come of them being separated yet again.

Of course, she couldn't blame her. Mei had never been one to get close to people, and when she did, they always seemed to either leave her, or break her. The last person did both, in a way Rose thought her sister would never recover. 

Mei had gone from a rising star in a classy company, heading for partner of the firm all the way down to selling her house, her car and moving back in with Rose and her mother. She had been depressed and near suicidal for a full year before Rose managed to convince her to get that job at the shop to keep her company.

And then the Doctor had come along, and Mei was starting to back to her usual self. Rose could practically see the chemistry between them, hell she'd even go as far as to call it 'Love'. If anything happened to send Mei back to that place, Rose would be on a war path. And nothing would stand in her way.

A lump of metal appeared in front of the blonde's face, suddenly reminding her Adam had been talking the whole time she had been observing her sister and thinking about the past.

"What do you think that is?"

"Er," Rose squinted, taking it from him, she tossed it up and down a couple of times just to see the panic on his face, "A lump of metal?"

"Yeah. Yeah," he agreed readily, taking it back, "But I think, well, I'm almost certain, it's from the hull of a spacecraft." 

Rose raised her eyebrows mockingly, slowly nodding to show she was paying attention. Even though she wasn't, not really. 

"The thing is, it's all true. Everything the United Nations tries to keep quiet, spacecraft, aliens, visitors to Earth. They really exist."

"That's amazing," she drawled, pulling at her ear so she didn't laugh.

How stupid was this guy? Couldn't he tell that the Doctor wasn't exactly human, after all he knew a hell of a lot about that artefact in Van Statten's office. Wasn't that a big sign? Not to mention she, Mei and the Doctor had appeared out of no where, or was that normal for him?

Not catching the sarcasm, Adam beamed at her, "I know it sounds incredible, but I honestly believe the whole universe is just teeming with life."

"I'm gobsmacked, yeah," Rose said, her eyes sliding back to her sister who had picked up a packet of papers only to toss them back down, "And you do what, sit here and catalogue it?"

"Best job in the world."

Feeling a bit smug, Rose thought of her own 'job', a companion to the Doctor. Now THAT was the best job in the world. Getting to travel all of time and space, learning new things and watching her sister find happiness, nothing could beat that.

"Imagine if you could get out there," she taunted, "Travel amongst the stars and see it for real."

"Yeah, I'd give anything. I don't think it's ever going to happen. Not in our lifetimes."

"Oh, you never know," Rose grinned like the Cheshire cat, "What about all those people who say they've been inside of spaceships and things and talked to aliens?"

In a blunt tone, Adam stated, "I think they're nutters."

The blonde laughed, seeing as that had been her opinion before meeting the Doctor, "Yeah, me too. So, how'd you end up here?"

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