Hide and Seek

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The Doctor and Mei finally broke the hug, but the Doctor kept his arm around Mei's waist and she still clung to his jacket. He nudged her chin up with his hand, meeting her eyes and asking silently if she was alright. When she nodded, he dropped his hand and turned to Rose and Jack who were whispering to each other with grins.

"Can you sense it?" he asked, interrupting them.

"Sense what?" the two chimed, looking like children caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Mei laughed at them, before saying, "He's talking about the feeling in the room, it's overwhelming, kind of like a heavy smog pushing you down. Can't you feel it?"

"Funny little human brains," the Doctor looked down at Mei, "How do they get around in those things? At least yours is more open."

Mei smacked his chest lightly, while Rose said to Jack, "When he's stressed, he likes to insult species

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Mei smacked his chest lightly, while Rose said to Jack, "When he's stressed, he likes to insult species."

The brunette laughed in agreement and the Doctor pulled away from her in a pout, examining the room.

"She's right, if he cuts himself shaving, he does half an hour on life forms he's cleverer than. Stubs his toe then lists all the weaknesses he'll never have. It's cute really, hilarious too."

With red ears, the Doctor huffed and crossed his arms, "There are these children living rough round the bomb sites. They come out during air-raids looking for food."

"Mummy, please?" the tape repeated, making Mei jump, she forgot it was still on.

"Suppose they were there when this thing, whatever it was, landed?"

"Jamie," Mei spoke up, "Constantine said it was Nancy's brother."

"But it was a med-ship. It was harmless!" Jack insisted.

"Yes, you keep saying harmless. Suppose one of them was affected, altered?"

"Jamie," Mei repeated, annoyed the Doctor couldn't use the boy's name.

"Altered how?" Rose asked, casting a quick glance to her sister.


Mei turned toward the recorder, her eyebrow furrowing when she heard what sounded like the flickering of paper, what was that noise?

"I'm here!"

"It's afraid," The Doctor realised, "Terribly afraid and powerful. It doesn't know it yet, but it will do. It's got the power of a god, and Mei just sent it to it's room."

"Him," Mei replied softly, her eyes falling on the little boy now standing in the other side of the observation glass, watching them, "His name is JAMIE, and i sent HIM to his room."

"I'm here. Can't you see me?" 

She didn't know why he was still using the tape to speak, unless he was intentionally trying to scare them.

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