The Past of Mei Tyler

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WARNING this chapter speaks about abuse and child death, just a heads up

Mei leaned against the Tardis as Rose led Jack toward their flat, after double checking it had only been a few weeks since they had last been around. The two were practically skipping, Rose and Mei had told Jack all about their mother and he was pretty excited to meet her. Mei could imagine her mother quite enjoying Jack's presence, the two were just as flirty as each other. 

The Doctor wandered out a few minutes later pulling on his jacket, and gave the brunette a smile.

"Aren't we going to see your mother too?"

Mei shook her head, "You've shared your piece, it's my turn now."

She offered her hand, smiling when the Doctor took it, and she pulled him in the opposite direction.

"I hated school," she told him, heading away from town and the built up areas, "Mum used to say it was because it bored me. I was too clever for my classes. Honestly it was the people, i could read them so easily, and i didn't like what i could see. None of them were what i would call worth it. Rose was always by my side when she came along, but i tried to encourage her to have her own friends."

"Like Mickey?" he asked, eyeing their Industrial Area surroundings, "What's with you two anyway, why doesn't he like you?"

"I told him he wasn't worth my sister," Mei admitted, "He's clingy, he's rude, he's disrespectful and he's very selfish. Sure i know Rose can be those things, but when she gives herself to someone, she gives them everything. Mickey's just one of those people i never liked, even as a child. I dunno, it's something even i don't understand."

The Doctor hummed under his breath, causing her to smile. Her next words caused it to drop though.

"I was married once."

He blinked at her owlishly, causing Mei to nod, looking sheepish. "Yeah, i was. It um, ended about a year before we met. His name was Michael, we met when i was sixteen, i interned at some scientific research place, he was one of the big time bosses. Should have known then it would never go well."

"But that's almost, what, seven years?"

"Five," Mei corrected, "I didn't start dating him until i was eighteen, i left the company after i found out they tested on animals. I was very pro-animal-testing back then, still am. We married when i was twenty, we divorced when i was twenty three. But at the time i was so sure i was in love, so sure he was the one for me. But now? Comparing it to what i feel for you, it seems like absolutely nothing."

The Doctor grinned at her blush, before asking, "What happened?"

"He changed," she commented, gesturing with her eyes at something ahead as she came to a stop.

The Doctor turned, and felt his stomach twist unpleasantly as he read the plaque on the wall, "Nunhead Cemetery."

"Oh," he mumbled, "He died?"

Mei scoffed, "I wish."

She took the lead again, pulling him behind her as they made their way through rows and rows of tomb stones, before coming across a rather beautiful one. A moon holding a bear, immediately he knew it belonged to a child.

                                                                    In Loving Memory 

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                                                                    In Loving Memory 

                                        Of A Wonderful Granddaughter, A Bright Niece  
                                                           And A Beloved Daughter
                                                                 Ilyana Tyler-Jones
                                  Born 24 August 2002  -  Found Peace 30 March 2004

Was written on the moon part of the stone and on the slanted base, a quote that made the Doctor smile.

                                                               May You Touch Dragonflies And Stars,
                                                           Dance With Fairies And Talk To The Moon

"She was twenty months old, not even two," Mei sniffled, brushing her hand over the top of the stone, then straightening the flowers - fresh - in the pot. "You know the doctors, they check women for baby blues, post-natal depression, all that sort of stuff, But they never check the men. After Ilyana was born, Michael was different. He got moody all the time, started shouting at everything i did or said. And then he started getting violent. I tried to get him help, tried to get him to go see someone, hell even his brother tried to talk him into it. But he didn't want the help. His lawyer made an insanity plea, and it was accepted. I mean," she laughed humorlessly, her voice becoming cold, "Why else would you beat your wife into unconscious and drown your daughter?"

The Doctor inhaled sharply, but Mei didn't look at him, she just crouched by her daughter's tombstone and kept talking.

"Doctors and therapists, they thought maybe he started getting overwhelmed by the responsibility, jealous she got more attention off of me than he did. It was all just excuses, there WAS no reason, i could never understand why he did it, and to be honest i never want to. I haven't seen him since the court case, i gave up everything, i left a paper trail to Australia as if i left the country then moved in with mum and Rose. I've avoided any contact with him or his family since. I never wanted him to find me."

"Mei," the Doctor murmured, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry about Ilyana. I know how it feels to have your child murdered, and i know everyone tells you it will get easier with time, but it won't. You just learn to live with it, but you do get through it."

"Thank you," she smiled, standing up to hug him, "Other than Rose, mum and Mickey, you're the only one who knows about Ilyana. I've never been good at opening up to people, and i could never - i could never talk about her."

The Doctor leaned back slightly, "I'm honoured that you trust me, and i want you to know you can always tell me anything."

Mei kissed him, just a light peck, before leaning back and wiping away her cheeks, "Come on, we better get back and see what disasters mum, Jack and Rose have gotten themselves into."

"If they've cracked open a bottle i bet they're doing a conga," the Doctor joked, making the brunette laugh.

"Oh god, what did we do?!"

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