Dancing? Or Innuendo

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After a few minutes of watching the Doctor pace around the small room in a panic, desperate to find any way out, Mei finally pulled herself off the floor. Rose followed suit, deciding to have a look around herself while the brunette approached the Doctor, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I'm trying to get us out of here," was his response, despite turning in her arms to face her.

"Shut up a minute," Mei complained, leaning her head on his chest, "Just stop, take a breath and start again. Getting worked up gets you nowhere."

He huffed, but had to admit she was right, lowering his head to rest his chin on the top of her skull. From that position, the brunette watched Rose who seemed to expect Jack to pop out from behind a cabinet.

  "Okay, so he's vanished into thin air," the blonde finally relented,"Why is it always the great looking ones who do that?"

The Doctor's head snapped up, eyes narrowed slightly, "I'm making an effort not to be insulted."

Mei grinned at the wink her sister flashed her, knowing the blonde was only teasing.

"I mean, men."

"Okay, thanks, that really helped."

Mei giggled, unable to help it, and leaned up to kiss the Doctor's cheek, "Don't worry, he's got nothing on you."

"Yeah speaking of which," Rose threw herself into the wheelchair, drawing one knee up to her chest, "What's going on with you two? Are you together now or what? Boyfriend and Girlfriend?" The silence made Rose gasp, "Don't tell me you're just bed buddies or something?!"

Neither Mei nor the Doctor had an answer for her, they looked at each other, just as confused as the blonde. Feeling uncomfortable, Mei pulled away from the Doctor to sit on one of the tables, wincing as it gave a creak below her weight.

"Wait, you haven't - you know - had the talk?" Rose asked, flushing red in realisation, "Oh my god i put my foot in it! Sorry i was just - i'm sorry."

Again, nothing could be said. The Doctor pulled out his sonic, fiddling with it as he sat on the stool by Mei's legs. Said brunette reached out and gripped his shoulder comfortingly, though whether it was for him or herself, she didn't know. Honestly, she wanted to know where she and the Doctor stood, but it wasn't the right time. Rose bit her lip, giving her sister an apologetic look when she caught Mei's eye.

The awkward moment broke as the radio crackled into life, Jack's voice coming through, "Rose? Mei? Doctor? Can you hear me? I'm back on my ship."

The Doctor jumped up, hurrying over to the radio to mess with it, "We can hear you," he replied.

Rose reached out, taking Mei's hand while the Doctor was distracted. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean-"

"It's okay," the brunette smiled, "Honestly, you were just being curious."

"I used the emergency teleport. Sorry I couldn't take you. It's security-keyed to my molecular structure. I'm working on it. Hang in there."

"Wait, Jack," Mei bounced toward the radio, peering over the Doctor's shoulder, "How are you talking through a radio? You didn't even touch it earlier."

"Om-Com. I can call anything with a speaker grill."

"Om-com," Mei repeated thoughtfully, "If you can speak to anything with a speaker grill, does that include things like phones that aren't wired up? Toys?"

"Yeah i suppose, why?"

The Doctor, realising what she was getting at, snapped his fingers, "Because the child can om-com too."

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