The Police Box Is Actually A Police Box

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By the time they had actually gotten Margaret back to the Tardis, night had fallen. Mei couldn't be more grateful for the warm air the Tardis blew at her, having felt the cold more than the others in her short dress. 

Rose stood a few feet away, arms crossed as she nodded away absentmindedly, only half listening to Mickey ramble in her ear as she kept an eye on the happenings of the other Tardis passengers.

"This ship is impossible. It's superb," Margaret said in awe, wandering around the Time machine.

The Tardis did not like her presence, humming angrily and lights flashing every time the woman dared put a hand near her console or walls. Mei brushed her hand on the y-beams when she did so, trying to comfort the intelligent machine's feelings. 

"How do you get the outside around the inside?" Margaret asked, jumping back as the machine sparked at her touch.

"Like I'd give you the secret, yeah," the Doctor replied, almost grinning at his wonderful machine's attitude.

The slitheen woman huffed, "I almost feel better about being defeated. I never stood a chance. This is the technology of the gods."

"Don't worship me - I'd make a very bad god," the Doctor replied sternly, handing his sonic to Mei for a second so he could twist a wire into place, "You wouldn't get a day off, for starters." 

He took his screwdriver back, passing the brunette, Rose and Mickey to stand by the american who had been fiddling with the extrapolater. 

"Jack, how we doing, big fella?"

"This extrapolator's top of the range. Where did you get it?" he replied, turning to Margaret.

She shrugged innocently, "Oh, I don't know. Some airlock sale?"

Jack snorted, "Must've been a great big heist. It's stacked with power."

"Does that mean we can use it to power the TARDIS?" Mei asked.

The american then shook his head, annoyed, "It's not compatible, but it should knock off about twelve hours. We'll be ready to go by morning."

"Then we're stuck here overnight," the Doctor grumbled.

"I'm in no hurry," Margaret spoke up, almost grinning.

Rose glared at her, before giving her own grin, "We've got a prisoner. The police box is really a police box."

But the slitheen was quick to reply to that, "You're not just police, though. Since you're taking me to my death, that makes you my executioners. Each and every one of you."

"Well, you deserve it," Mickey spat out.

"You're very quick to say so. You're very quick to soak your hands in my blood, which makes you better than me, how, exactly ? Long night ahead. Let's see who can look me in the eye."

"Oh please," Mei groaned, annoyed at the woman, "You want to talk about soaking hands in blood? What about you? How many people have you killed? It makes me wonder, could YOU look THEM in the eye?" Margaret snarled, ready to reply, but the brunette had one more thing to say, "What about your family, did you look them in the eye before you fled like a coward, leaving them to die?"

The Tardis was silent after that.


Rose and Mei had been discussing visiting their mother again soon when Mickey slipped out. The blonde watched him go, seeming hesitant to follow.

"If you need me, you come get me," Mei told her, "Don't take any of his crap. Get the answers you want."

Rose nodded, hugging Mei tight before she followed him out. The second the door was closed, Mei dashed for the console and hit a few buttons on the monitor.

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