Bitchy Trampoline

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 :P just a warning, i never liked Rose's attitude in this episode and i clearly show it, sorry


Mei and Rose moved to stand either side of the Doctor as the doors at the other end of the room opened and some of the little people left.

"So he's a steward or something?" Mei asked, "A host?"

"Yeah I guess," the Doctor agreed with a smile.

"And now, might I introduce the next honoured guest," the Steward spoke up again.

Rose gasped as the doors opened again, catching their attention. In the doorway were three tree-people, one obviously a woman in red and gold, the other two taller and in black - most likely male.

"Representing the forest of Cheem, we have Trees. Namely, Jabe, Lute and Coffa. There will be an exchange of gifts representing peace. If you can keep the room circulating, thank you."

Mei looked up at the Doctor, "Did you bring gifts?"

"Em, no," he frowned, making the two sisters laugh.

"Next, from the solicitors Jolco and Jolco, the Moxx of Balhoon," the Steward announced and a little blue creature on some sort of remote control seat came in.

The Doctor smiled cheerily as he noticed Mei looking around in awe, Rose however seemed completely puzzled.

"And next, from Financial Family Seven, we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme." Five tall cloaked figures came in, and the Doctor gave a chuckle.

"The inventors of hyposlip travel systems, the brothers Hop Pyleen. Thank you!" Two aliens came in, reptile looking humanoids wearing fur robes in opposite colours. "Cal 'Spark Plug'," the Steward continued, and two Robots in large funny looking coats came in. "Mr. and Mrs. Pakoo." They were large humanoid birds, "The Ambassadors from the City State of Binding Light." Funny looking pinky-orange skinned humanoids with bulbous heads and four eyes came in.

Mei was distracted as the trees wandered over, the two men (could they be called men?) carrying plant trays. Each little pot had small shoots poking out. 

"The Gift of Peace," Jabe offered one pot to the Doctor who smiled at it then passed it on to Mei. "I bring you a cutting of my Grandfather."

Severely creeped out, Mei passed it to Rose.

"Thank you," The Doctor said, trying not to grin at the older Tyler as he patted himself down, "Yes, gifts . . . erm . . ."

Rolling her eyes, Mei tugged some strands of hair out from her bangs and offered them to Jabe.

"Ah yes," the Doctor cleared his throat, "Cuttings of my own companion."

"How considerate," Jabe smiled, giving the Doctor a flirtatious look.

"There's more where that came from," he replied cheekily.

"I bet there is," she murmured as she walked away and Mei elbowed the Doctor in the side.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Flirting with the tree," Mei scoffed, "And really? 'There's more where that came from' ? It came from my flipping head! I'm not going bald just so you can make some moves on a piece of bark in a dress!" Rose nodded in agreement but continued to stare at the Doctor with a creeped out expression.

"Sponsor of the main event, please welcome the Face of Boe!" The Steward announced.

Mei looked round to see a gigantic head in a jar, with long tendrils that could have been hair or skin, she wasn't entirely sure. Her eyes then fell on the little blue thing in the chair approaching them.

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