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Mei could tell the Doctor didn't like Adam. When she got back from her shower, he was sending the new arrival glares over the top of his monitor while Rose explained to him about everything Doctor. But he landed so quickly after leaving Utah, she had a suspicious feeling that it was much more than that.

Honestly she had been hoping to have some time to talk to him before starting a new adventure, she wanted to talk about the Dalek, and the Doctor, and she had found the courage to tell him about her secrets. But seeing as he was already heading for the door, she knew it would have to wait a while.

The Doctor couldn't shake the bad feeling he'd had since Rose suggested Adam join them. So he intentionally piloted the Tardis quite a way into the future in hopes he'd landed them somewhere so overwhelming, Adam would either give up and go home or accidentally get himself killed. Either worked for him.

Pushing her hair back over her shoulder, Mei scurried after the Doctor, wanting to get a look at where they were. She was hit with a hot muggy air, causing her to rethink the cardigan and woolly socks she had on. She pulled the sleeves up to her elbows as Rose joined them outside the Tardis, and the Doctor started explaining.

"So, it's two hundred thousand, and it's a spaceship. No, wait a minute," he paused, sensing something, "Space station, and er, go and try that gate over there." He pointed to a door across the room, before looking at Rose, "Off you go."

Mei groaned, "Rose, you're not seriously trying to impress him are you?"

Rose ignored her sister, popping her head back into the Tardis to call Adam out. He came with confidence that dropped faster than his jaw. Clearly, he hadn't been expecting anything like this. The Doctor looked smug, and Mei shook her head as Rose preened.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," the blonde told him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Where are we?"

"Good question. Let's see," Rose pretended to study the room, "So, er, judging by the architecture, I'd say we're around the year two hundred thousand. If you listen," she gestured to her ear.

"Yeah?" Adam asked, curious.

"Engines," Rose grinned, proud she had his full attention, "We're on some sort of space station. Yeah, definitely a space station. It's a bit warm in here. They could turn the heating down. Tell you what - let's try that gate. Come on!"

As Rose and Adam wandered off, the Doctor moved to follow but noticed Mei was still lingering a the Tardis. She had her bottom lip between her teeth, eyes following her sister cautiously while her arms were crossed tightly over her chest.

"You coming?" the Doctor asked.

Mei shook her head, "I don't feel comfortable with him here. Maybe I'll just stay in the Tardis."

"Yeah I don't like him either, but are you really going to let him stop you from exploring?" he replied with a teasing grin, and Mei fought a smile of her own.

"Oh fine," she huffed, making the Doctor laugh, "Come on we better catch up."

They caught up with Rose and Adam in an observatory style room much like the one on the space station from their first trip to the future. Below them was a rather horrible looking planet earth, but for her sister's sake, Mei kept her mouth shut.

"I'll let the Doctor describe this," Rose said, also a bit unsure of what to say.

"The Fourth great and bountiful Human Empire," the Doctor filled in without pause, "And there it is, planet Earth at its height. Covered with mega-cities, five moons, population ninety-six billion. The hub of a galactic domain stretching across a million planets, a million species, with mankind right in the middle."

"We sound like a virus," Mei commented, then jumped at a loud bang from behind them. She turned and choked on air when she realised Adam had passed out. She tried not to laugh.

"He's your boyfriend," The Doctor commented without looking.

Disgusted, Rose didn't look either, and commented, "Not anymore."

And that broke Mei's control. She burst out laughing, using the railing to support herself. Rose shot her a playful dirty look, but smiled as well and the Doctor just grinned to himself.

"So what do we do now?" Rose asked, as her sister calmed down.

"Leave him?" She and the Doctor suggested hopefully.

"Oh my god, you two," the blonde shook her head, sighing, then crouched by Adam and gave him a good slap. "Adam, get up!"

Eventually they managed to get him up, and the girls led the way back toward the Tardis as the Doctor tried to give Adam some encouraging words. Sure he wanted the boy gone, but he could never resist showing off a bit.

"Come on, Adam. Open your mind. You're going to like this. Fantastic period of history. The human race at its most intelligent. Culture, art, politics. This era has got fine food, good manners-"

He was interrupted by a rather rude man snapping, "Out the way!" as he went past, and the floor was suddenly taken over by people rushing about, yelling and screaming at each other. Food vending spots opened up, ques forming and strange names of food were thrown about causing the Doctor to frown.

"Fine cuisine?" Rose asked, with a slightly mocking smile.

"My watch must be wrong," The Doctor murmured, checking his wrist, "No, it's fine. It's weird."

"Oh my," Mei giggled, "Did someone get too cocky? I see you failed history as well as Tardis Piloting."

Pouting, he replied, "My history's perfect," though Mei noticed he never commented about his piloting.

"They're all human," Adam whined, "What about the millions of planets, the millions of species? Where are they?"

"Good question," Mei said in annoyance, looking around.

The Doctor perked up, "Actually, that is a good question. Adam, me old mate, you must be starving."

"No, I'm just a bit time sick," the boy replied, causing the dark haired girl to roll her eyes.

"No, you just need a bit of grub," The Doctor called out to the chef vendor, "Oi, mate - how much is a kronkburger?"

"Two credits twenty, sweetheart. Now join the queue," the Chef replied, turning back to his customers.

"Credits are money?" Mei questioned, causing the Doctor to nod, "And how do we get some?"

"Let's use a cashpoint," was his simple reply.

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