What The Duck?

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The car pulled up at 10 Downing street and Mei gulped at all the cameras. Usually she had no problem with cameras and what not, but knowing that EVERYONE  was going to see her face, the thought terrified her. The Doctor and Rose were out quickly, and after waving with a massive grin, the Doctor realised she hadn't moved.

"Come on," he offered her a hand.

Breathing in through her nose, she took it and let him pull her out of the car. She ended up clinging to him as they made their way up the steps and through the front door, carefully eyeing all the soldiers. Rose appeared on her other side, rubbing her sister's back. The blonde hadn't really thought about the cameras and what they had meant until she saw her sister's sickly white face.

Taking in the sights of Downing street was low on Mei's list of things to worry about as they entered a room full of people claiming to be alien specialists. Would they recognise the Doctor? Would he be a suspect? What if he was arrested?

"Ladies and Gentlemen, could we convene?" a young man called as he entered the room and headed toward them, though stopping to speak with the others, "Quick as we can, please. It's this way on the right and can I remind you, ID cards are to be worn at all times." He held out a card to the Doctor, "Here's your ID card. I'm sorry, your companions don't have clearance."

"I don't go anywhere without them," The Doctor replied in a firm voice, making a show of lacing his fingers with Mei's as he put the ID card around his neck. 

The auburn haired girl couldn't help the colour blooming across her cheekbones as the man gave her a curious look.

The expression turned apologetic as he said, "You're the code nine, not her. I'm sorry, Doctor. . . it is the Doctor, isn't it? They'll have to stay outside."

"She's staying with me," the Doctor retorted, narrowing his eyes, "They both are."

Giving them an apologetic glance, clearly able to see how uncomfortable Mei was, he said, "Look, even I don't have clearance to go in there. I can't let them in and that's a fact."

Mei managed to pull away and looped her arm through Rose's, "Go on, go save the world. We'll be fine. I promise."

"Excuse me? Are you the Doctor?" an older brown haired woman asked as she appeared beside them.

Mei noticed the young man looking exasperated as he turned to the older woman, "Not now, we're busy. Can't you go home?"

Ignoring them, the Doctor looked down at Mei, "Are you sure?"

She nodded and Rose spoke up, "Yeah, they're the experts, you should hear what they've got to say. Besides, no one else is as good at saving everyone as you are, so go show 'em who's best."

"I s'pose so. Don't get into any trouble," he warned them, before following the other experts inside.

Meanwhile the older woman and the young man were still arguing.

"I just need a word in private."

"You haven't got clearance, now leave it!" the man turned then reached to place a hand on either of the Tyler sisters' arms. "I'm going to have to leave you with security."

But before he could lead them away, the older woman piped up again, "It's alright. I'll look after them. Let me be of some use." She turned to the girls and spoke quietly, "Walk with me. Just keep walking."

Mei gave her sister a startled look, knowing fear when she saw it. Rose quickly tightened her grip on her older sister's hand and did as the woman insisted.

"That's right, don't look round!" she warned, before flashing them a pass, "Harriet Jones, MP Flydale North." Once they reached a clear corridor, the woman turned, clearly distressed and asked, "This friend of yours. . . he's an expert, is that right? He knows about aliens?"

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