It's Over

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When Mei came too, the first thing she realised was that she no longer was in the Tardis console room, but her own bedroom on board. Second, was that Rose was asleep next to her. She sat up, cringing at the throbbing in her head, before gently nudging the blonde.

"You're up," Rose said sluggishly, rubbing her eyes as she also pushed herself up into a sitting position.

"What happened?" Mei asked, cringing a bit at the pain in her throat, as well as the croakiness of her voice.

"You passed out," the blonde shrugged, wrapping one arm around her sister's shoulders, "Margaret nearly killed you, i was scared you wouldn't wake up."

Mei leaned into her younger sister, enjoying the comfort, "What happened to Margaret?"

"The Tardis opened, and there was this bright light, and it turned her into an egg. So we took her back to her home planet to give her a second chance. We've just left actually, you've only been out about two hours."

"And you were worried over that?" the brunette laughed, getting elbowed in the ribs.

"The Doctor said you'd looked at the light," Rose frowned, "He was really worried about it. Apparently no one is supposed to look at it." 

Mei bit her lip, remembering the singing, and the voice but quickly changed the subject, "What about you and Mickey? What happened there?"

Rose frowned, "Took him a while to tell me, Trisha Delaney from the shop, that's who he's going out with. And he still suggested going to a hotel?" the blonde scoffed, "He told me i made him feel like nothing, running off with the Doctor. That i put him on stand by."

Mei took hold of her sister's hand, "What did you say?"

"I reminded him that i asked him to come with us, after the Downing Street thing. But he said no, and he was the one who wanted to stay together then. I told him we could take a break and he could see others but he said no. And no he's blaming me? I mean i get it, i did leave him yeah, but i also tried to get him to come."

"So are you two over now? Or are you giving it another go? Did he come with us?"

Rose shook her head, "We're done. We're just friends now. I think anyway. When i ran back to the Tardis, he said i would always choose the Doctor over him. And i told him he was right, because the Doctor was family now. And family means everything to me."

Mei frowned at her sister's watery eyes and pulled the blonde into a cuddle. "I'm sorry, Rosie, i wish i could make it all better for you. Is there anything i can do to cheer you up?"

Rose sniffled, "Red velvet cheesecake."

Mei laughed, kissing her sister's forehead, "Sure, i'll make you red velvet cheesecake."

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