Time's Up

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As they entered the room, Mei heard the Moxx of Balhoon talking to the Face of Boe, "-This is the Bad Wolf scenario."

"Bad wolf?" she asked herself, feeling very sure that she'd heard it before, then shook it off, murmuring "Weird."

"That wasn't a gravity pocket," The Doctor told the sisters, fiddling with a control panel by the door, "I know gravity pockets and they don't feel like that." Mei knocked his arm lightly as Jabe approached and he turned, giving her a curious look, "What do you think, Jabe? Listen to the engines, they pitched up about 30 hertz, is that dodgy or what?"

The tree woman gave a shrug and replied, "It's the sound of metal, it doesn't make any sense to me."

Frowning, he asked, "Where's the engine room?"

"I don't know," the tree woman answered, then gave the Doctor a look that caused Mei to frown, "But the maintenance duct is just behind our guest's suite, I could show you. And," she gestured to Mei and then Rose, "Your wife and daughter."

Rose spluttered a bit, Mei felt like a goldfish opening and closing her mouth and the Doctor seemed startled.

Eventually he managed to say, "She's not my wife. And she's definitely not my daughter."

"Partners?" Jabe questioned.


"Concubine?" Jabe asked, causing Mei to raise an eyebrow.

"Nope," came a firmer reply, almost as if the Doctor felt the word was insulting.

Jabe turned to look at Mei, almost as if studying her and then asked with a mocking look, "Prostitute?"

At that, Mei's jaw fell slack and Rose gave the tree woman a dark glare. The older Tyler looked at the Doctor only to find he was looking back at her but not bothering to speak up and felt herself bristle. She turned back to Jabe and gripped her fists so she didn't start swinging.

"Lady I don't know who the hell you think you are but I'm not bloody invisible. I can hear every damn word you're saying so shut up or I'll set your ass on fire, you hear me? It's been a while since I've had a nice campfire."

Jabe stepped back, shocked by the raw anger in Mei's voice, even the Doctor looked surprised. Rose however, linked arms with her big sister and gave both the tree woman and the Doctor a disgusted look.

"Why don't the two of you go and pollinate," the blonde sneered, "We're going to catch up with family. Quick word with Michael Jackson."

"Don't start a fight," The Doctor called after them.

"Don't talk to us and we won't," Mei said, not looking back and the Doctor frowned.

"Cheek of her," Rose huffed as she watched the Doctor and Jabe leave, "Who does she think she is, talking to you like that?"

"Whatever," Mei sighed, trying to deny the hurt feeling she was experiencing at the Doctor simply standing there, letting her be insulted. "You go talk to the trampoline, I'm gonna just take a minute."

"Earth Death in 15 minutes. Earth Death in 15 minutes," the computer announced as she approached the window and sat down.

Leaning her head on her knees, she wrapped her arms around her legs and sighed. She wasn't entirely sure what was making her so upset, sure she could admit being a bit jealous, and upset he didn't defend her. But she barely knew him, she shouldn't have expected as much. Maybe Rose was right.

"You are incorrect, darling Meissa."

Mei tensed, feeling as though ice had flooded her veins. She didn't move for a few seconds, then cautiously looked around to find out where the deep sleepy voice had come from. She found the Face of Boe staring at her from across the room and blinked, trying to decide if it was him or not.

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