Lots Of Running

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He gave her a mischievous grin, eyes twinkling, and said, "Run!"


Mei barely had time to grab her sister's hand before she was dragged through a nearby door. Rose gave a yell as she tripped over her own feet, and the two had to run fast to keep up with the man who led them to the service lift.

"Who are you?!" the older of the two demanded, sounding slightly awed but the man simply grinned over his shoulder.

Mei hated that. She wanted an actual answer, and in any other situation, she'd dig her heels in and just stand there until she got it. They stumbled into the lifts and just as the door closed, a mannequin's arm came through and tried to grab them. The man grabbed onto it and made jerking movements, trying to pull it free.

"Oh my god," Rose whispered, pushing herself into the far corner.

Mei stared for a moment before she dropped her bag and grabbed onto the mannequin arm, placing one foot on the lift doors for a brace. Glancing at the man, he gave her a nod seemingly approving of her actions and together they gave a hard tug. Both stumbled back as the arm came off in their grasp and the doors closed.

"You pulled his arm off!" Rose exclaimed then grabbed her sister, "Mei, get away from him!"

"Yep!" the man grinned and tossed it at her, causing her to juggle it slightly, "Plastic."

"God I hate mannequins, always told you they were going to come alive one day, didn't i?" Mei huffed picking her bag up again, "Give me the creeps, those things, and for good reason it seems."

"Shut up Mei," Rose huffed, then turned to the amused looking man, "Very clever, nice trick! Who were they then, students? Is this a student thing or what?"

Mei frowned and asked at the same time as the man, "Why would they be students?"

Scowling at her older sister, Rose said, "I don't know."

"Well, you said it!" the man reminded her, "Why students?"

"Cause," Rose paused to think about it, and the man and Mei shared a confused glance, "To get that many people dressed up and being silly . . . they gotta be students."

"Huh," Mei mumbled, "Good point."

The man chuckled, "That makes sense! Well done."

"Thanks," Rose sounded proud but her sister frowned, seeing the look on the man's face.

"Let me guess," she drawled, crossing her arms over her chest as her hip cocked out ,"Not students?"

He gave her another approving glance and said, "No, they're not."

"Well whoever they are," Rose huffed, interrupting the two of them, "When Wilson finds them, he's gonna call the police."

"Who's Wilson?" the man asked.

"Oh he's the chief electrician," Mei supplied, "We came down to find him and then we got stuck in the room with the-" she hesitated before adding, "-things."

Nodding in understanding, the man turned back to the lift doors as they opened, "Wilson's dead."

Mei's jaw fell slack as she watched him step out, her and Rose subconsciously following even as her whole body slouched at the man's words. Her lips parted and closed several times as she tried to find the words.

Rose however, had no problem, fixing her 'Tyler' glare on the man as her anger took over. And the man had the good sense to look a little nervous when he turned to face them once again.

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