Everybody Lives

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Luckily, Jack dropped them just round the corner from the non-bomb site. 

Unluckily? There seemed to be more guards than before. 

Mei bit her lip thoughtfully as she, her sister, the Doctor and the American hid just out of sight. They could simply flash them the psychic paper, or they could try to sneak in another way, but both ways presented a bit of trouble if they were caught out.

"Hey, they've got Algy on duty," Jack piped up with a grin, "It must be important."

"You know him?" Rose asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Know how to get past him?" Mei added, "Is he a ladies man? Or does he like - i dunno, sports? One of us could distract him."

"No," the Doctor spoke up firmly, wrapping an arm around Mei's waist and she flushed red at the cheeky grins from her sister and Jack, "Not happening."

"Not to worry," the American straightened, brushing off his jacket, "I've got to know Algy quite well since I've been in town. Trust me, you're not his type. I'll distract him. Don't wait up."

Rose watched with her jaw on the ground, Mei simply giggled. The Doctor also grinned, seeing the blonde's expression.

"Relax, he's a fifty first century guy. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing."

"Oh my god," Mei groaned, "I knew it! You two were NOT talking about dancing earlier!"

Rose giggled at her sister, but asked the Doctor, "How flexible?"

"Well, by his time, you lot have spread out across half the galaxy," he shrugged in response, eyebrows furrowing as it looked like Jack was having some trouble talking with his friend.

"Oh," Mei grinned, "So we're like rabbits, really? We're everywhere." her expression then dropped, "Like a virus."

Rose however, was still surprised by the insinuation, "What, that's what we do when we get out there? That's our mission? We seek new life, and, and-"

The Doctor and Mei glanced at each other, before giving the blonde matching grins, "Dance."

A shout from Jack's direction caught their attention, and Mei gasped as they watched Algy fall to his knees, transforming into a gas mask creature. They sprinted forward, the Doctor calling for the others to back away so they didn't get infected as well.

"What's happened?" Mei asked, "Jaime's not been down here, how did it happen?"

"The effect's become air-borne, accelerating," The Doctor explained, looking around as the air raid siren began.

"Great, more bombs," Rose muttered, "And what's keeping us safe from becoming like them?"


Mei gulped at the Doctor's words, reaching for her sister who clutched her hand tightly. 

The blonde then turned to Jack, "Didn't you say a bomb was going to land here?"

Mei cringed, "Don't think we need to worry about the bomb Rose." Gaining a confused look from both Rose and Jack, she explained, "If this thing is air-borne, there's no stopping it, we're done for. We'll be like them before the bomb even hits."

The Doctor then piped up, looking around in a confused state, "Can anyone else hear singing?"

Rose, Mei and Jack watched him race off, before heading for the chula ship, deciding just to meet him there. When he returned, he had Nancy in toe and Mei gave the woman a soft smile.

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