The Past Of The Doctor

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As they entered the Tardis, the Doctor was rambling away, causing both girls to smile at how happy he was. It was rare they had days that everyone survived. It was nice, and if it caused the Doctor to get all giddy, Mei would try and have more adventures like this.

"The nano genes will clean up the mess and switch themselves off, because I just told them to. Nancy and Jamie will go to Doctor Constantine for help, ditto. All in all, all things considered, fantastic!"

Rose giggled, leaning on the console as her sister climbed into the jump seat, "Look at you, beaming away like you're Father Christmas."

"Who says I'm not, red bicycle when you were twelve?" he spoke fast, pointing at Rose, who gasped. 

Mei's own eyes widened, she remembered that bike. It had come out of no where, just as her set of books on Astronomy had. That had been the Doctor? When had he done that? She remembered Jackie panicking because they didn't have much money that year, she was worried she wouldn't be able to get the girls anything. And then those gifts just turned up out of nowhere.

"And everybody lives, girls! Everybody lives! I need more days like this."

"What about Jack?" Mei asked, suddenly thinking on him disappearing with the bomb.

The Doctor just grinned at her, and set the Tardis into motion. Rose and Mei shared a confused look, then shrugged. The blonde beamed a few seconds later when Moonlight Serenade started playing.

"Okay, what were you saying about Dancing?" he asked, looking at Rose.

Mei watched the two, laughing every time the Doctor stepped on Rose's toe, or he twisted her arm up her back or around her throat. Even the Tardis seemed to be humming in amusement. When they connected with Jack's ship, she hurried over and opened the door to see him at the captain's chair with a martini in hand.

"Oi!" she called, making him jump, "Hurry up, you're ship's gonna blow!"

Jack grinned, throwing his drink down and hurrying toward her. Mei laughed, closing the door behind him, then watched his expression become one of awe as he took in the Tardis.

"I'm sure I used to know this stuff," the Doctor grumbled as he once again got the moves wrong. He then glanced at Jack,  "Welcome to the TARDIS."

"Much bigger on the inside," he managed to comment, still looking around.

"You'd better be."

Mei snorted in amusement, and Rose shook her head and stepped toward Jack with a grin, "I think what the Doctor's trying to say is you may cut in."

The music changed suddenly to Glen Miller's In the Mood, and the Doctor grinned, "Mei, I've just remembered."

"What?" she asked, eyeing the hand he offered her, taking it cautiously.

"I can dance!"

He gripped her hand, spinning her into his embrace, and Rose and Jack watched with amusement as the two danced around the console in step with each other. Jack then offered his hand to Rose, and they joined in, dancing the opposite way around the console until the two pairs met in the middle, and both Tyler sisters were dipped.

Mei and Rose shrieked with laughter, the Tardis hummed loudly with her lights flashing. Jack immediately helped Rose up, but the Doctor kept his brunette there a little longer, only to press a kiss to her lips.

"Aww!" Jack and Rose cooed as the two straightened, still kissing.

Mei reached around the back of the Doctor's head to keep him close, deepening the kiss and he returned it with much enthusiasm. They heard Jack clear his throat and Rose giggle, but it didn't bother them.

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