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The Doctor pulled the earpiece away, staring into space as he came to terms with what had just happened. Her words played in his mind, his memories of the first time they met, of when she laughed, of when she blushed, her face when she explained her past - some of it anyway. Her eyes, those blue eyes, were seared into his brain. He closed his own briefly to get himself under control and they were all he could see.

"I killed her," he said softly.

"I'm sorry," Van Statten apologised, but the Doctor didn't believe him.

"I said I'd protect her. She was only here because of me, and you're sorry?!" he yelled, towering over Van Statten, his eyes darkening, "I could've killed that Dalek in it's cell, but you stopped me!"

"It was the prize of my collection!" the idiot defended himself, cowering away.

"Your collection? But was it worth it? Worth all those men's deaths? Worth Mei? Worth the girl I-" the Doctor cut himself off, but Goddard's eyes widened at his words, understanding what he had been about to say. "Let me tell you something, Van Statten. Mankind goes into space to explore, to be part of something greater."

"Exactly! I wanted to touch the stars!"

"You just want to drag the stars down and stick them underground, underneath tons of sand and dirt, and label them. You're about as far from the stars as you can get. And you took her down with you. You took my Mei down with you."

Van Statten's reply was cut off by the door opening, Rose and Adam coming in. The Doctor's expression softened as he took in the blonde's puffy red eyes and trembling bottom lip.

"Oh Rose, I'm sorry," he apologised, opening his arms and she hurried into them, sobbing loudly. "I'm so sorry!" He then turned on Adam, the anger surging back, "You were quick on your feet, leaving the girls behind!"

"I'm not the one who sealed the vault!" Adam shot back.

"She left me!" the blonde sobbed, cutting off anymore arguing, "She's gone! What am i supposed to do? What do i tell mum?!" 

"You be happy," the Doctor mumbled into her hair, "She told me she loved you, she told me to tell you not to be sad."

"She's dead!" Rose cried loudly, "How can i not be sad?!"

"She said she was finally going home."

Dead silence, that was the last reaction the Doctor expected. He thought Rose would cry harder at that, but it was clear he was missing something when the blonde let out a soft laugh.

"Of course, of course she is, she'll be happy."


On level forty-six, Mei was staring at the black burn mark on the wall just a few inches from her head

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On level forty-six, Mei was staring at the black burn mark on the wall just a few inches from her head. She turned back to the Dalek in confusion.

"Are you always such a bad shot?"

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