Living Plastic

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The next morning, Mei tried to take as long as she possibly could in the shower before reluctantly getting herself dressed and heading out to face one of her mother's lectures

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The next morning, Mei tried to take as long as she possibly could in the shower before reluctantly getting herself dressed and heading out to face one of her mother's lectures. Rose was already in the kitchen having breakfast, meaning it had begun. She could hear the two of them arguing about 'Finches' as she stumbled along to the living room, tying her hair up in a messy pony tail.

"It might do you good," her mother was insisting, "That shop was giving you airs and graces."

"The pay WAS pretty crap," Mei agreed, slipping into the kitchen to help herself to a cup of green tea.

"And I'm not joking about compensation," Jackie continued, getting up to give her oldest her seat at the table. She headed to her bedroom, saying, "You've both had genuine shock and trauma."

"And fun, don't forget fun," Mei grinned, glad her mother didn't hear her. Rose however, reached out and slapped her across the back of the head. "Ai! Dammit Rose," the auburn haired girl whined, rubbing the sore patch.

"Ariana got two thousand quid off the council just cause the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek!" Jackie continued, and the sisters shared a confused look, both looking as if they wanted to say something, but their mother piped up again, "I know she IS Greek but that's not the point. It was a valid claim."

"Ah! The fight against racism at its best," Mei made a 'cheers' motion with her cup before taking a drink, making Rose laugh.

The two fell silent however, when they heard the tell-tale rattle of the cat flat and Rose groaned, "Mum, you're such a liar!"

Mei got up, wandering through to the front door to check on the cat flap while Rose continued to complain at their mother.

"I told you to nail that cat flap down. We're going to get strays!"

"I did it weeks back!" Jackie insisted and Mei bit her lip, picking up the screws on the floor.

"Okay creepy," she murmured to herself.

"No, you thought about it!" Rose continued to argue.

Mei jumped at the flap moved violently then leaned down and pushed it back the way, squealing in shock when she came face to face with a startled Doctor. Jumping to her feet, she wrenched the door open and stared at him with parted lips.

She looked him over quickly while spluttering, "Wha-Wha-Why-Why are you here?"

"Me?" He asked, sounding offended, "What are YOU doing here?"

"Uh, I LIVE here," Mei said as if it were obvious.

"Is someone at the-" Rose froze halfway down the hall, then glared at the Doctor, "YOU?!"

"Why is she here?" the Doctor asked, pointing at Rose but looking at Mei.

"Family generally live together," she told him with a shrug. "I mean, yeah okay i'm older, and to be fair i DID move out, but sometimes things happen."

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