Petrol Stop

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"Really?" Mei asked as she watched the Doctor fiddle with part of the Tardis, though she was speaking with Rose, "First thing you do when we learn we need to refuel at Cardiff, is call Mickey?"

The blonde huffed, "Look, i managed to forget what mum said while you, me and the Doctor got to know Jack and we spent time together with all those little trips. But every time i went to bed at night, they came back, and i can't help wondering - i mean if he wants to be with someone else then that's fine, i just want him to tell me. I know you've wanted to kill him since about five weeks back on Woman Wept, but surely you should calm down a little now?"

Mei turned to her sister, her expression turning apologetic, "Sorry, i didn't mean-"

"I know," Rose smiled, "Me either. But don't go jumping down his throat okay? Give me time to talk to him."

"Fine," the brunette whined, pouting at her sister, "As long as he doesn't say anything out of line."

Rose just chuckled and side hugged her sister as someone knocked on the Tardis door. Jack bounced up from the Captain's chair with a cheeky wink and hurried over to get to it before anyone else. Mei rolled her eyes at his enthusiasm, and moved to lean against the step ladders the Doctor was standing on so that she wouldn't be in the way.

"Who the hell are you?" Jack demanded.

Mickey, on the other side of the door, gave a slight squeak before replying, "What do you mean, who the hell am I? Who the hell are you? "

Mei saw her sister roll her eyes, but was distracted by the Doctor giving a scoff. She peered up at him, but couldn't make out the look on his face due to the head torch he was wearing trying to blind her.

For once, Jack introduced himself to the stranger in a non-flirting way, "Captain Jack Harkness. Whatever your selling, we're not buying." 

"Get out of my way!" Mickey huffed, shoving past him into the time machine, his eyes immediately fell on Rose, taking in her pig tails and short denim skirt.

"Don't tell me. This must be Mickey," Jack asked, eyeing the boy in displeasure. 

He could see why Mei and the Doctor didn't like him, and agreed Rose deserved someone better. He also couldn't believe a boy like this would pass up being with Rose. Sure, he had come to think of the girls as his little sisters, but even he wouldn't give up a girl like the Blonde Tyler for anything. Hell he wouldn't even give up their mother, but maybe that was because Jackie had welcomed him with open arms, like her daughters.

"Here comes trouble! How're you doing, Ricky boy?" The Doctor called mockingly, gaining a glare in return, while Mei snickered.

"It's Mickey!"

Hurrying forward, Rose smiled at him, trying to stop any possible arguments, "Don't listen to him, he's winding you up." 

"You look fantastic," he complimented, opening his arms to her.

Rose hugged him, but it was loose and she pulled away quick, looking uncomfortable despite the slight grin she forced herself to wear. Her thoughts were still on the last time she'd seen her mother, who'd happened to mention she'd seen Mickey snogging another girl. Apparently not the same girl Jackie had thought he was dating. Mei frowned, she didn't like the idea that her sister had to force herself to be happy in front of the boy, but she had already agreed to let Rose handle it.

"Aw, sweet, look at these two," Jack gestured to them, then turned to the Doctor, "How come I never get any of that?" 

"Buy me a drink first," he retorted, winking at Mei.

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