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The first thing Mei noticed when she came too, was the humming in the back of her mind. She could vaguely recognise it as the Tardis, but it took her a few minutes to actually make the connection. Fluttering her eyelids open, she cringed at the brightness of the lights and smiled gratefully when the Tardis dimmed them.

"Thanks girl," she mumbled, letting her eyes droop.

The Tardis hummed more frantically, causing Mei to open her eyes once again. She glanced around, realising she was lying on the grating by the console, and that no one else was in sight.

"What?" she asked herself quietly, then cringed as a barrage of images came forward in her mind.

The bright light coming through the Tardis walls, the Doctor's horrified expression as he reached for her, Rose and Jack gripping onto one another as the light consumed them, and the shimmering gold mist that seemed to surround her moments before she blacked out.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed, bolting upright - only to smack her head off the underside of the console. "Oh my god," she groaned in pain, clutching the sore spot.

The Tardis hummed again, and Mei struggled to pull herself to her feet, looking around the Tardis wearily. 

"Where are they?" she asked quietly, placing her hand on the console, "Do you know where they are?"

There was a loud trill, and the monitor turned on, divided into four screens. Mei hurried over to get a better look, feeling a small semblance of relief. One showed a video feed of the Doctor in what looked like a house, scanning just about everything with his Sonic Screwdriver while a girl in bunches followed after him. One showed Jack, all of Jack, she realised quickly averting her eyes as the man stripped and changed into a new outfit every few seconds. 

The third screen showed a large room that was somewhat familiar, filled with computer stations and a woman at the end, connected to wires. And the last showed Rose, on what looked like the set of 'The Weakest Link' and Mei's heart sank at the look of fear on her sister's face.

"Where the hell are we?" she asked, chewing on her thumbnail.

The Tardis hummed, and the screen changed to an image of a space station floating above the Earth, a rather grotesque Earth, she had to admit.

"But that-" Mei blinked several times, "This is Satellite Five, we've been here before."

A hum of confirmation came from the Tardis, who trilled again before showing the video feed of Rose again. Mei gasped as her sister cowered away from the woman next to her, a jet of light hitting the woman and turning her into dust.

The Tardis hummed frantically, causing the brunette to scowl, her anger building. "Don't worry girl, they'll all be alright. The Doctor and Jack can handle themselves, but can you show me how to get to Rose?"

The words 'Floor 407, Game Room 6' flashed on screen and Mei grinned darkly, patting the console lightly. Though she nearly shrieked in surprise as a gold mist seeped out of a crack and wrapped around her hand.

"Is - Is that - that's your soul, isn't it?" she questioned, remembering seeing the same mist from within the Tardis when they dealt with Margaret. "It's you, isn't it? You protected me?"

As more of the gold mist swirled around her hand, the Tardis began singing in her mind and the words 'Bad Wolf Corporation' flashed up on the monitor. The brunette laughed in shock, pulling her hand back as the mist faded, then nodded to herself.

"Thank you for protecting me, girl," she whispered, smirking as she hurried toward the door. "Bad Wolf, what are you?"

Peering out through a small gap, she sighed in relief when she realised the Tardis was sealed away in a room of it's own with no guards. The door out of that room, however, led to the one she'd seen on the monitor of the Tardis, filled with computer stations and busy workers.

Luckily, they seemed more focused on their jobs, and Mei managed to get into the elevator without being noticed. It wasn't until the doors were closing that she realised the woman connected to wires had been watching her the whole time.

"Creepy," she murmured to herself, crossing her arms in discomfort as she waited on the elevator to stop.

The floor looked as it had last time she'd been there, only darker and without all the people rushing about. She grumbled to herself as she edged out of the lift, eyeing the walls and ceiling for any sign of a camera or security system but found nothing.

"They must only monitor the games," she said to herself, "People must not be able to get out on their own."

She quickly found room six, the little screen by the door lock showing Rose was suddenly in a head to head with the last contestant. Mei frowned at that, how long had she been unconscious? She didn't have much time.

She didn't know how to work the lock, but she hit it several times for good measure, screaming through her teeth when nothing happened. She stepped back, rage filling her as she clenched her hands into fists.

"I want my sister," she muttered, slamming her hands against the door. Nothing happened.

"I want my sister," she repeated, louder, and more angrier than before, once again hitting the door. 

"I want my sister," she growled, and hit it again with every word. This time the door quivered under the strength of her channelled rage, powering her ability.

"I want my sister," she growled again. A hit shaking the door with each word.

"Give me my sister!" she screamed, once again hitting the door, only for it to explode into the room, sliding a few feet across the floor before coming to a stop.

The guards turned, guns raised, the workers cowered back, the other contestant ducked behind his podium. Rose turned, grinning at the sight of her sister, though it quickly slid from her face at the sight of her eyes. No longer were they blue, but a bright gold and they were narrowed dangerously.

The red haired Anne Droid turned towards her, a small laser poking from it's mouth, "You are the Weakest Link. Goodbye."

"Watch out!" Rose cried as the droid shot at the brunette.

Mei ducked in time, then threw her hands forward with a yell of rage, her power blasting not only the droid but the workers as well. There were several screams and yelps of pain as they collided with the floor, a dark smile curling Mei's lips.

"Rose, run!"

The blonde grinned, bolting towards the brunette who kept her arms outstretched in case any of the guards managed to recover. But once Rose was close enough, Mei snatched her wrist and the two hurried out of the room.

They reached the elevator as the doors opened, revealing a determined Doctor, a gun wielding Jack and the girl with bunches Mei saw on screen. Although the three of them were rather taken aback as the Tyler girls shoved them back into the elevator with looks of terror on their faces.

"What - but how-" The Doctor spluttered,  Mei pressing the button for floor 500 repeatedly.

"How did you-" Jack started asking, but was cut off by the blonde.

"Come on!" Rose cried as the guards hurried out of Game room six, guns ready to fire. "Come on!"

"What?!" The Doctor exclaimed, still looking between the sisters.

"How did you-" Jack tried again, pointing between the girls.

"Oh shut up!" Mei barked, the elevator doors finally closing, and just in time.  She slumped against the side. "Phew, that was close."

Rose burst out laughing, hugging her sister tight, "You saved me, god, i was so scared."

"You're my baby sister," Mei returned the hug, "I'll always save you."

The Doctor continued to stare at the two girls. "What?!"

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