Floor 139

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As the Doctor fiddled about with his sonic and a screen, Mei rested her head on her younger sister's shoulder, letting out a long sigh.

"What's wrong?" the blonde asked, worry in her voice.

"Just tired, Rosie," the older sister relied with a weary smile, "I just want to go to bed to be honest."

"Well you did have a hard time in Utah, and you used that ability-power-thing again, maybe that's making you tired?"

"Mmm," Mei agreed, her eyes closing briefly.

"Have you and the Doctor talked anymore about it?"

"Any more about what?" Adam asked as he and the Doctor came back to them.

Mei straightened up, "Nothing, doesn't matter. You get some cash sorted?"

"Yup," the Doctor showed them an odd bar thing, before handing it to Adam, "There you go, pocket money. Don't spend it all on sweets."

"How does it work?" the boy asked.

"Go and find out. Stop nagging me. The thing is, Adam, time travel's like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book, you've got to throw yourself in. Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers. Or is that just me?" Mei and Rose giggled, causing the Doctor to smile, "Stop asking questions, go and do it." Adam wandered off and the Doctor gestured to Rose, "Off you go, then. Your first date."

"You're going to get a smack, you are," Rose warned with a smile, before following after the boy.

Mei turned to the Doctor, eyebrows raised as she waited to hear what they were going to do. However, the Doctor had a more important question, going by the worry on his face.

"What were you and Rose talking about?"

She smiled softly, it was touching to know he cared, "She was asking if we had talked anymore about my ability. I said I was tired and she reckoned using it in Utah to save her is maybe why."

"Could be," he agreed, "I don't really know much about it unfortunately, we just have to play by ear."

Shrugging the brunette looked around, "So while they have a date trying out the 'pocket money', what are we doing?"

Beaming, the Doctor took her hand and led her toward a pair of very smartly dressed women, one had black hair in corn rows and the other had dirty blonde hair to her shoulders.

"Er, this is going to sound daft, but can you tell me where I am?" he asked the two women.

They both gave him surprised looks before the black haired one said, "Floor One Three Nine. Could they write it any bigger?"

On the wall above them, were the numbers she had just said and Mei grinned slightly. Trust them to miss that.

"Floor one three nine of what?" she asked, turning her attention back to the women.

"Must've been a hell of a party."

A complete opposite to the rude woman, the dirty blonde haired one said, "You're on Satellite Five," in an incredibly sweet voice.

"What's Satellite Five?" The Doctor asked.

"Come on, how could you get on board without knowing where you are?" the black haired one shot back, annoyed.

"Quite easily actually, when your pilot never really plans ahead," Mei shrugged, "But honestly, can you give us an answer without being a total-"

"Oh you really are tired today, aren't you?" the Doctor asked, interrupting the brunette before she could insult anyone. He wrapped an arm around her waist, tugging her to his side, "You just stay right here, and keep the claws in."

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