Welcome To The Blitz

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"Never - ever! Slave the TARDIS to something again!" Mei scolded the Doctor as she stumbled out of the time machine into an empty alleyway. 

She had a small soot mark on her cheek she'd tried to wipe off with her leather jacket, only managing to smudge it more. The Doctor thought it was quite fetching, but didn't dare point it out. She had already complained at trying to get dressed with the Tardis rattling all over the place.

"I said i was sorry," he whined, following her out with Rose behind him trying not to laugh at the two. 

"Mm-hmm," the brunette looked away, fighting her own smile.

"Do you know how long you can knock around space without happening to bump into Earth?" he decided to ask, getting back on track.

"Five days?" Rose joked, earning a laugh from her sister, "Or is that just when we're out of milk?"

Mei could have sworn then and there she'd never see an expression as cute as the confused and upset one on the Doctor's face at that moment.

"Of all the species in all the Universe and it has to come out of a cow."

"What's wrong with cows?" the Tyler sisters asked in sync, the blonde with her hands on her hips, the brunette with her arms crossed.

Ignoring them, the Doctor wandered down the alley, away from the Tardis, "Must have come down somewhere quite close. Within a mile, anyway. And it can't have been more than a few weeks ago. Maybe a month."

"A month?" Mei asked, confused, "We were right behind it - wait, you said it was jumping time tracks, right?" The Doctor nodded, grinning, "You also said it was a basic computer, i thought you'd be able to keep up."

And there was the pout again. Rose couldn't contain her laugh, and Mei gave a tongue-in-teeth grin.

"Do you want to drive?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows, then quickly held up his hands, "Don't answer that."

"Well what's the plan, then?" Rose asked, "Are you going to do a scan for alien tech or something?"

The Doctor rolled his eyes, pulling out his psychic paper as he explained, "It hit the middle of London with a very loud bang. I'm going to ask."

"With blank paper?" Mei asked dryly, studying the little wallet.

At the same time, Rose had seen writing on the paper and read out, "Doctor John Smith, Ministry of Asteroids."

"Wait, what?" the brunette asked. Snatching the wallet from the Doctor, she flipped it over in her hands, studying every little crease. "Okay little wallet, what's your deal? Do you not like me or something? Why can't i read you?"

"You can't read it," The Doctor began, taking it back to tuck it away, "Because you're too clever for it. You're a genius, brain works differently."

Mei gave an offended squawk, "How dare i be singled out!"

"Oh shut up," Rose nudged her sister, "Count yourself lucky, i'm stuck over here not getting any Spock."

Not having paid attention, the Doctor pressed his ear against the back door to what seemed to be some sort of club.

"Door, music, people. What do you think?" he asked, pulling out his sonic screwdriver to unlock it.

"Rose wants some Spock," Mei told him, peering over his shoulder.

"Yeah, i do!" the blonde huffed, crossing her arms, "I think you should do a scan for alien tech. Give me some Spock, for once. Would it kill you?"

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