Hello Again, Margaret

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Jack amused the group with stories from his travels, the five having chosen a simple little restaurant on a jetty to get a bit to eat. Mei wasn't so much focused on the man's tale but the cheesecake in front of her, it had been a while since she had had any, and it was safe to say she missed it.

The Doctor sat next to her, a hand on her thigh as he laughed at Jack while Rose sat beside the american, falling into him every time she dissolved into giggles. Mickey sat at the head of the table, and though he was amused by the story, there was always a lingering glare in his eyes.

"I swear, six feet tall and with big tusks!" Jack insisted, Mei shaking her head slightly at him.

The Doctor grinned however, exclaiming, "You're lying through your teeth!"

"I'd have gone bonkers! That's the word - bonkers!" Rose laughed.

Jack continued like they hadn't spoken, "I mean, it turns out the white things are tusks and I mean tusks! And it's woken, and it's not happy."

"How could you not know it was there?" the Doctor asked, shifting slightly in his seat to put his arm around Mei's shoulder instead.

"And we're standing there, fifteen of us, naked-"

Mei choked on her last bite of cake, thumping her chest as she asked in a weak voice, "Naked?!"

Jack just grinned at her, "And I'm like, oh, no, no, it's got nothing to do with me. And then it roars, and we are running. Oh my God, we are running! And Brakovitch falls, so I turn to him and I say-"

"I knew we should've turned left!" Mickey finally spoke, grinning smugly as Rose giggled loudly.

Jack pouted however, "That's my line!"

"I don't believe you. I don't believe a word you say ever. That is so brilliant. Did you ever get your clothes back?" The blonde asked.

Mei missed the american's answer, distracted by the loss of the Doctor's warmth. She followed him with her eyes as he crossed the restaurant to an elderly man reading the paper. With a few quick words, he took the paper and returned to them, staring at the front page in horror.

"Doctor?" the brunette asked, rising to her feet, "What's wrong?"

The other three turned to give him their attention as well, Rose's eyes widening as the Doctor turned the paper to face them. Mei gulped, recognising the blonde in the photo.

"And I was having such a nice day," he complained.

Jack placed a hand on Rose's shoulder, seeing her expression. "Who is that?"

"Slitheen," Mei told him, narrowing her eyes, "They tried to start World War Three. I thought we stopped them."

"She must have gotten out somehow," Rose grumbled, "Why does that always happen?"

Without much thought, the group headed straight for City Hall, Mickey trailing after them unsure of what was going on. As they entered the foyer, Jack took the lead and looked down at his wrist device.

"According to intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family, a criminal sect from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorious, masquerading as a human being, zipped inside a skin suit. Okay, plan of attack, we assume a basic fifty seven fifty six strategy, covering all available exits on the ground floor. Doctor, you go face to face. That'll designate Exit One, I'll cover Exit Two. Rose and Mei, you both take Exit Three. Mickey Smith, you take Exit Four. Have you got that?"

Mei and Rose shared a grin as the Doctor cleared his throat, glaring at Jack, "Excuse me. Who's in charge?"

Knowing he was only joking, the American straightened to attention with a barely concealed smirk, "Sorry. Awaiting orders, sir."

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