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Moving Rose to the side, the Doctor forced his way past the serving woman who squeaked indignantly. He ignored her, pressing his ear to the wall under the lamp. There was a soft hissing and he could almost picture the gaseous creatures moving about in the pipes.

"You're not allowed inside, sir!" the woman insisted, but Rose took a very threatening step forward and she closed her mouth at once, flinching back.

With a huff, almost amused, Rose turned from the Maid and asked, "Doctor? What is it?"

"There's something inside the walls," he explained, ear still pressing against the wall.

"What about Mei?" she turned on the serving woman, "Where is my big sister? What have you done with her?!"

"The gas pipes," the Doctor spoke up again in wonder, "Something's living inside the gas."


Unable to get the door open, Mei turned her back to it and looked around, trying to find something she could fight them off with. Nothing stood out, so she grabbed a nearby vase and threw it at the man. He barely stumbled back as it smashed against his chest, giving a zombie groan as he and the old woman kept coming.

"Stop making zombie noises! You're supposed to be a ghost! You're giving me a headache with your identity crisis!" Mei cried out, tugging at the door again, "I survived a Nestene Consciousness, a psychotic trampoline, the end of my world, and the Doctor's terrible driving! I am NOT being killed by ghosts in dead people that are pretending to be zombies!" she insisted, and started slamming her fists against the door, "Let me out! Let me out of here! Open the door you bastards! Let me out! Open this fucking door! I am the last person you want to turn into a ghost, cause i'll haunt you like you've never been haunted before!"


The Doctor perked up as Mei's yells reached them, almost laughing as he made out her words. Rose perked up as well, she and the writer turning toward the noise as the serving woman closed her eyes in dismay.

"That's her," the Doctor said, then rushed along the corridor to try and find her, Rose and Dickens right behind him.

The serving woman closed the door and hurried after them as well, cringing when they came across her master.

"This is my house!" he exclaimed, but the Doctor simply shoved him out of the way, Rose scowled at him as she passed and Dickens growled a "Shut up!".  The master of the house then waved a finger at the serving woman as she ran past.

"I told you!"

She lifted her hands above her head in defence. 


"Doctor!" Mei yelled, still battering the door, she stepped back and tried kicking it, "Let me out! Let me-"

She broke off in a scream as the possessed man grabbed her from behind, dragging her away from the door. A hand covered her mouth as she started yelling again, the other moving up from her waist to go around her throat.

Just then, the Doctor managed to kick the door open from the other side and his eyes widened at the sight of Mei, terrified in the grasp of the dead man. With a dark look, he stated, "I think this is my dance."

He snatched Mei out of his arms, keeping one arm around her waist and she gripped the back of his jacket tightly. They kept a hold of each other even when Rose threw herself at her sister.

"Oh my god," the blonde blubbered, as Mei used her free hand to rub her back, "I thought I'd lost you!"

"Oh please, takes a lot more than that to get rid of me Rosie, you should know that by now."

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