Saying Hello

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Mei said nothing as she sat at a table in a little chip cafe with Rose, Mickey and her mother. She didn't even poke at the chips in front of her, simply staring at the table without really seeing it. Rose played with her food, keeping a worried eye on her sister while Jackie and Mickey spoke, neither girl really paying attention.

"Oh, girls, have something to eat," Jackie begged.

"Eat?" Mei asked, smirking slightly as she continued to stare into space, "Two hundred thousand years in the future, he's dying, and there's nothing I can do and you want me to eat?"

Jackie flinched slightly, "Well, like you said two hundred thousand years. It's way off."

"But it's not mum," Rose shook her head, "But it's not. It's now. That fight is happening right now, and he's fighting for us, for the whole planet, and we're just sitting here eating chips." 

the oldest Tyler huffed, reaching out to take a hand of both her girls, "Listen to me. God knows I have hated that man, but right now, I love him and do you know why? Because he did the right thing. He sent you both back to me."

"The right thing for who?" Mei asked, finally looking at her mother, "For me? Great, yeah, i'm totally going to get past this aren't i? Not like i haven't suffered enough. For Rose? She's just lost her brother, the only person other than you or i that could truly understand her. So who exactly is this the right thing for mum?"

She shoved her seat back and hurried out of the cafe before her tears could fall again. Rose shook her head sadly, following after her big sister, ignoring Jackie and Mickey trying to stop her.

Rose found Mei on a park bench, and the two sat in silence for a little while, holding onto each other to try and find some sort of comfort. Mickey caught up with them a few minutes later, looking rather annoyed but also somewhat worried.

"You can't spend the rest of your life thinking about the Doctor," he said gently, putting a hand on Rose's shoulder, "The two of you have to move on. You've got to start living your own life. You know, a proper life, like the kind he's never had. The sort of life that you could have with me, Rose."

"We're over Mickey, do you get that? You were with another girl even after telling me you wanted to be with me. And for your information, the Doctor had a life like that!" Rose snapped, "Don't stand there and act like you know anything, alright? Because this isn't about me! I don't care what i've lost! I care about her!"

"Rose," Mei tugged on the girl's sleeve, her eyes tracing several patches of graffiti, "Rose look!"

"Bad wolf?" the blonde asked, reading the words, "But thats-"

"Over there," Mei pointed, jumping to her feet. "And there, and it's over here as well!"

"That's been there for years," Mickey shrugged it off, "It's just a phrase. It's just words."

"No, no it's not," Mei grinned, "We thought it was a warning. Maybe it's the opposite. Maybe it's a message. The same words written down now and two hundred thousand years in the future. It's a link between us and the Doctor. Bad Wolf here, Bad Wolf there."

"It's telling us we can get back," Rose realised, also grinning.

As the three of them returned to the Tardis, Mei started rambling, trying to work out all the information that was flooding her mind.

"All the Tardis needs to do is make a return trip. Just reverse. She's telepathic, she's always been able to listen to us. Like when we were dealing with Margaret and that gold light came out the console. That was her soul, the same light protected me on the Game Station. All we need to do is get the console open!"

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