Can You Count?

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Mei popped her head out of the Tardis, smiling as she laid her eyes upon her building in the Powell estate. She skipped out, a french tail braid pouncing on her shoulder and she was followed by her younger sister and the Doctor, the latter leaning against his Tardis.

Looking around in awe, Rose asked, "How long have we been gone?"

"About twelve hours," The Doctor replied, causing the two girls to laugh incredulously and he joined in.

"Right, I won't be long," Rose told him, walking backwards, then to clear up his confused look, explained, "I'm just gonna see my mum. Mei, you coming?"

"I'll be up in a minute," Mei smiled, waving her sister on.

"What're you going to tell her?" The Doctor asked, glancing away from the auburn Tyler.

"I don't know! I've been to the year five billion, and only been gone, what, twelve hours?"

The Doctor and Mei looked at each other then made a noise that was somewhere between a laugh and a scoff. Both could imagine the look on Jackie Tyler's face and it was BEYOND amusing.

Rolling her eyes at them, Rose said, "No, I'll just tell her I've spent the night at Shareens. See you later!" she started to walk off, but turned back, pointing at them, "Oh, don't you disappear."

"Please Rose, you think I'd let him leave you behind?" Mei asked.

"Who knows what the two of you could get up to?" Rose winked, then ran off before either of them could respond.

The older sister was left with her jaw hanging , a strong blush spreading across her cheeks. She spluttered for a few seconds, before throwing her arms into the air with a humiliated groan.  Muttering a few choice words, she crossed her arms and turned to face the Doctor whose ears were slightly red.

"So, you're really not gonna ditch us?"

He gave her a disappointed look, "Do you think I would?"

Trying not to sound as pathetic as she felt, she admitted, "You did before,  just want to be sure."

Rolling his eyes, the Doctor put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a Yale lock key. "Here, I was going to give you it later, as well as Rose, but if it makes you more comfortable . . ."

Mei took the key in surprise, turning it over in her fingers, "Is this – is this a TARDIS key?"

"Yup," he beamed, "So now you know I'll never leave you, don't you?"

"I have a TARDIS key!" she jumped for joy, laughing.

The Doctor smiled at her enthusiasm and looked around. Mei eventually calmed down and turned to look toward Mickey's flat, wondering how he was getting on with the whole Alien thing. A flyer on a nearby post caught her eye, though she could only really see the words 'Can You Help?' at the top.

Had someone gone missing, she wondered and jogged over to get a look. Her stomach dropped as she found a picture of herself and Rose staring back at her. The date on it was March 2005, along with their heights, eye and hair colour and a description of what they'd been wearing. At the bottom it had one of those tiny little lines telling her where the poster had been printed and when.

"February 2006," she read, then gasped, "Oh my god!"

"What?" the Doctor asked, wandering over.

Without thinking, she turned and punched his arm, "You idiot!"

"Ow! What have I done?" he complained, rubbing the spot.

"Twelve hours?!" she demanded, ripping the poster down then stuffed it into his hand, "More like twelve months! Can you count or not you stupid face?!"

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