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Anna POV

"What did you say?" The alpha growled at me.

"I can smell your scent.... it calls to me. Is that weird?" I asked frowning. I didn't understand.

'Your his mate!' Coquette exclaimed in excitement.

"Maybe....W-what do I smell like to you?"he inquired carefully.

"Smoke and bamboo. I like the smell of bamboo it's special. I think your special," I blushed looking at the ground.

"Why is that?"

"I don't really know, you make me feel funny like butterflies are resting on my skin and that as long as I'm with you, the sun will always be shining. You make me feel things I have never felt before and I don't know what to do about it," I finished looking up at him in admiration. It was all true, nothing was as true as my words were.

He sighed, his breath blowing a piece of his thick brown hair across his forehead. Jaiden reached down and took my hands, "I feel......"

"You whore!" a screech echoed across the balcony.

Jaiden pulled me close to him away from the 'threat'.

It was Camilla.

"How could you do this to me, I told you he was my mate, I told you what he smelled like to me. How could you use this against me to steel my mate!" she yelled at me.

I opened my mouth to say she was lying, that she had never said any of that to me, but Jaiden cut me off.

"What does she mean?"

His voice had turn cold.

"She's always envied me. I smelt you the day that you arrived and I knew that you were my mate. I told her all about my feelings in my excitement. I'm so sorry Jaiden. I should have told you, I was going to, but the SHE came and you wanted to dance with her, I was just so scared of what she would do to me that I didn't say anything," Camilla started to cry. It was so fake, I turned to Jaiden, to see if he was buying this.

He was.

"I swear she's lying, I promise I would never....." I pleaded.

"YOU SHUTUP!" he yelled at me. I cowered away in fear.

He went to Camilla and held her in his arms. Over his shoulder she smile at me in victory.

I was so angry I could have hit her, I stormed over to her intending to do just that but Jaiden grabbed me and pushed me to the ground.

He shoved me. He actually shoved me away from him.

"Get away from me. How could you ever believe I would like you when you used such cruel methods. I bet it is you who's messing with my scent! No one will ever want to be your mate, you're sly, cruel and sadistic. If I was your mate. I would reject you." With that Camilla and he walked away.

I would reject you, he said, and now it echoed around my head leaving a endless ache in my chest. I swear I couldn't breath.

What had just happened?

'Shhhhh it's ok breathe'

A voice I had never heard before echoed around me, disrupting the midnight shadows.

"W-who are you?" I stuttered. the voice sent shivers up my spine, not the good kind of shivers though, it was more like I had a thousand tiny spiders creeping over me.

I started to scratch at my wrists unknowingly.

'I am neither friend nor foe. Nor am I good or bad. Right or wrong, light or dark, sane or crazy. I am your future that is who I am.' The voice purred

And people thought I was crazy.

A deep booming laugh echoed around me. It was a nice sound, the kind of sound you lived for.

'Am I the one having a conversation with themselves? No. That would be you.' He laughed.

I guess he was sort of right, I was the one standing outside seemingly talking to myself. Wait. did he just read my mind?

'Yes I did, I am apart of you even though you have often tried to deny it. You are mine as I am yours. Your mate, that precarious jackass, unleashed me when he in all but words rejected you and now you're free to follow whatever path......." All of a sudden, the voice stopped and silence overwhelmed the night. It was so quiet I could hear the crickets chirping.

And then the screaming started.




Hellooooooooo! how's it going? I hope you're all well :D and living life. life is good. Hehe.

I hope you liked this chapter, sorry for terrible spelling and stuff... plus... the very abrupt cliff hanger *gasped dramatically* it's like 12am in the land down under.... where I live..... and I probs should go to sleep ..... But I wanted to finish this chapter for yall. Sorry it was kinda short and random.... Next chapter is going to be like WAY better. I promise!!!!

I've decided that I'm going to update every second day.... (Hopefully)..... and then whenever I feel like it.... :) so yeah!

I'm testing out knew covers so it would be great if you could let me know which cover you like better... The original (the first cover I had) or the one I have up at the moment... Let me know by commenting your thoughts!! Or even better.... If you wanted you could create a cover for my book..... let me know and I might just use it!

Don't forget to.....




I love you all!! xxx

Ps. about earlier A/N I've decided to only write breaking madness for a while so won't be updating my other stuff for a little while.

Pps. what do you think of the voice that Anna was just talking too.... not the show.

I should really go to sleep now......

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