Twenty-three (Part two)

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Anna POV

Jen Jen was beautiful. As she and Jared said their vows tears sprung into my eyes and my heart swelled in happiness. I could only dream of the day that i would get that.


I turned around to find Kid, Woe, Beezle and Coquette. My eyes widened, i hadn't noticed until that moment that i hadn't seen them in what felt like forever, ever since i started to see Luc.

"Anna? Can you see us?" Kid asked, her voice tinging with desperation.

i nodded, of course i could..... why shouldn't i?

They all seemed to visibly relax and Coquette cried, "Oh thank god!"

Kid rushed me gabbing my hands and started to pull me away from the crowd that was dispersing after the ceremony. she tugged me hard and i almost fell over. I was confuse, why were they acting so strange?

"Anna, we have to get you somewhere safe, somewhere away from him!" Beezle grumbled pushing me from behind.

His words confused me and i stopped in my tracks like a stubborn mule.

"Who?" i demanded.

"Anna, please we need to go before he sees us..." Woe's lips trembled almost in tears.

I didn't want Woe to cry so i let them begin to pull me away again. We were almost away from the wedding when i saw Luc swerving in between the crowd gathered around the newly mated couple. What was he doing here? And why did the look he have on his face look so ...... cruel?

I tried to turn back to the gathering but Kids grip on me hardened , "No. No. No. He's here we need to get out of here now."

I frowned, "Do you mean Luc?"

"Luc?" Kids frown mimicked my own.

There was a long pause before Coquette gasped, "Lucifer! She's talking about Lucifer!"


They nodded and i looked back over to to where Luc was.

"Luc's name is Lucifer? Isn't that like the devils name?" I remember the a couple of times that Dr Smith had been 'treating' me, he had said that i was possessed by lucifer.......

Kids eyes widened, "He's worse."

That was the moment that i saw a silver glint at the sun reflected of an object in Luc's hand. He was holding a small, silver combat knife, as he walked towards Dr Jacobson with a terrorizing darkness in his eyes. I wanted to cry as i put two and two together.

It was him.

Luc was the murderer who had killed Dr Smith and Dr Carmichael. Luc had killed people. I felt sick inside as my eyes told me what my heart refused to accept. However, one thing was for certain, i had to stop him.

I know that Dr Jacobson was an evil, evil man, but who was Luc or I to play judge, jury and executioner. No one had the right to murder, it just made you as bad as the person that you are trying to get revenge against. I didn't want Luc to be as bad as him.

A strangled cry escaped my lips as i flung myself out of Kid's grasp and started to run back to the gathering.

"Luc Don't, stop..... please."

Lucs head whipped around as he saw me his eyes wide, "Anna?"

"Please don't do this Luc, he's not worth it. Please don't ruin yourself with his blood."

Luc's gaze hardened at my words, "I've been ruined for a long time Anna, there's no point in redemption for me now."

I felt my heart break a little, and the cracks that he had helped plaster up split wide open like an open wound, "Please Luc. This isn't you."

He lips twitched up into a sadistic smile, "This is me. And you know what? I want to do this, i want to to feel the tug of his skin as i slice through his flesh, or the squelch of my knife hitting his intestines as i slice him open from neck to navel. I want to see as the light leaves his eyes, as he breathes his last breath full of regret and self hate for his mortality. I want to see his pain, his torment his death. I want to do this, it is who i am. Oh, and don't worry, you don't have to feel any guilt, this isn't for you. So don't feel any guilt at all. No. Guilt. At. All."

With that he pulled away from me and moved again towards Dr Jacobson. I tried to follow him but someone grabbed my arm pulling me to them. It was Jaiden.

"Anna? Are you okay?"

i started to panic, Luc was going to kill someone, right here right now and Jaiden wanted to know if i was okay? Of course i was not OKAY!

"Let go of me! i need to stop him.... You need to let me stop him. please," I cried desperately almost breaking down into sobs.

"Anna i don't know what you mean, everyone is fine..."

Another rough hand grabbed me pulling me away from Jaiden.

"Shes obviously off her medication, shes hallucinating," My father told Jaiden before turning to me. "You selfish bitch. You couldn't even give your own sister her special day could you? Well if its attention that you want then here you go..."

Before i knew what had happened his fist came out of know where hitting me across the face. I fell to the ground my skin stinging. There was a couple of gasps from the crowd who had gathered around us but no one did anything. I tried to stand to my feet but failed as my head spun. I still needed to stop Luc.

"What did you do?"

Soft hands wrapped around me pulling me to my feet against a soft white lace dress. Jen was glaring at our father as she tried to sooth my hysteric sobs.

"Jenifer, did i say that you could help her?" My father growled through his teeth.

"No, but i don't care, you may be alpha but it gives you know right to harm any one especially your own daughter!" Jen shouted at him her voice full of venom.

"How dare you! i am your alpha, treat me with some respect.

Jen scoffed, "Your not my alpha any more, I'm apart of Jared's pack now, not yours."

Before my father could reply i grabbed at jen trying to get her to listen to me, "Please, please you have to help me, hes going to kill him.... hes going to kill him!"

Jen gave me a sympathetic look and stroked my hair, "Its okay honey, no body is going to kill anyone, its all okay."

I shook my head and tried to get away from her, watching as Luc reached the Dr and plunged his dagger into the mans neck, slicing it open. Blood squirted out as a silent scream got stuck in my throat.

No body had listened to me.

No body ever listened.

So now they all had to listen to the gut wrenching cries that echoed through the night.

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