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Jaiden Pov
(overlaps the end of last chapter)

Anna looked angry, she was standing in the middle of a crowd, yelling at something. Although I didn't know what it was she was yelling at. Her face transformed from angry to a look of desperation, she was begging, pleading, and the scared look in her eyes sent chills down my spine.

People started to look at her funny and move away, that was when I noticed that she was talking to herself. I cringed, this was bad, very bad. I needed to help her, stop her from making a fool of herself. I started to move towards her quickly, pushing past people as they muttered about my rudeness. When I reached her I put my arms on hers turning her to face me.

"Anna? Are you okay?"

She stilled for a moment before trying to struggle out of my arms. She kicked and hit, she clawed at my arms, she was panicking and there was nothing I could do to help her.

"Let go of me! i need to stop him.... You need to let me stop him. Please," Anna begged as she forgot my hold, starting to cry.

I tried to reassure her telling her that she was fine that it would be okay, but nothing I did could calm her down.
From the corner of my eye I saw her father approaching us, a murderous gaze in his eyes.

I tried to hold her closer, trying to calm her down before he father came, but I was too late. He reached us and ripped Anna away from me, causing her to stumble and fall.

The man turned to the crowd that had formed and reassured them, saying that his 'beloved daughter' had just had too much to drink.

He then turned to me and grunted, "She's obviously off her medication, shes hallucinating."

The Alpha swung his daughter around to face him and growled, "You selfish bitch. You couldn't even give your own sister her special day could you? Well if its attention that you want then here you go..."

Anna was backhanded across her face, there were a couple of gasps with in the crowd, but no one did anything. They just stood there and watched as a father beat his daughter, as if it were not a bad thing to do. As if she 'deserved it'.

My blood began to boil as I just about ripped Alpha Delacroix's throat out. Yet I stopped as I heard a quiet yet firm voice speak out into the crowd.

"What did you do?"

The bride was on her hands and knees as she pulled the sobbing Anna into her arms hushing her. Strong admiration flooded through me as Jennifer stood up to her brute of a father, defending her broken sister. I was proud to call her the newest member of my pack.

Especially as she cried, "No, but i don't care, you may be alpha but it gives you know right to harm any one especially your own daughter!" Jen shouted at him her voice full of venom.

"How dare you! i am your alpha, treat me with some respect.

Jen scoffed, "Your not my alpha any more, I'm apart of Jared's pack now, not yours."

Before her father could continue his tantrum Anna grabbed at jen trying to get her to listen to her, "Please, please you have to help me, hes going to kill him.... hes going to kill him!"

Jen gave her a sympathetic look and stroked my hair, "Its okay honey, no body is going to kill anyone, its all okay."

I looked out across the crowd to where Anna was staring terrified. However I didn't see anything. And that was the problem.

There was a man just standing there, watching like everyone else, he looked disinterested as though he had better thing to be doing than watching a defenseless girl be beaten. As though he knew about this before.

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