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Please forgive me xx

(And remember that there is still 3 more chapters after this)

Anna POV

"What!" I explained as Jen deciphered the stick for me.

How could I be pregnant? I had only made love once and that was with Luc.... and he's not really real.

Or was he?

My breathing became unsteady as I collapsed down onto my bed.

"It's okay Annie. You'll be fine, I'll be here to help you through the whole thing. Just... can I ask you something?" Jen sat down next to me wrapping her arms around my waist.

I nodded and she continued.

"Anna, Jaiden isn't the father is he?"

I bit my lip and looked up into her kind eyes and shook my head.

"No. No he is not."

Jen just smiled knowingly but she didn't judge me, she didn't force her opinions about it onto me. She just pulled me closer and tried to comfort through my tears. I loved her for that.

"Can I ask who it was?" She whispered to me gently.

I shrugged, "He's the man I love. I mean I care about Jaiden, I have to because he's my mate, but, This babies father, I am so incredibly in love with that I don't know what I'd do but, I would give him the world if I could."

Jen nodded in complete understanding, " I know what you mean, sometimes I wonder if we are really supposed to be romantic with our mates, or if it's more about friendship and family. I love Jared but sometimes I wonder whether he really is the man that I'm supposed to be IN love with.... you know what I mean?"

I nodded, I understood exactly what she meant.

"How am I supposed to do this Jen Jen? I'm only seventeen for goodness sake! How do I tell my mate that I'm having a child with another man? And how am I supposed to be a mother when I can barley look after myself? I'm sick, what if it got hurt when I'm supposed to be looking after them?" I expressed my fears to my sister.

Jen didn't know what to say to that so instead she pulled me closer to her and started to stroke my hair.

"Annie, I won't tell you that this is not gonna be hard, because it will be, but you can do this. You are the strongest person I have ever met. You will be okay, I promise."

I sighed and took the stick from Jens hands, "Thankyou. I should probably go have a conversation with.... 'the father.'"

Jen smiled at me, "Probably, good luck Annie and don't forget, I'm here for you. Always."

Standing to my feet I left Jen sitting on my bed and walked down to the lake for the second time today. I ignored Luc's previous warning. This was important.
The walk was a short one, I think I was was just extremely eager to talk to Luc.

"Luc?" I called out across the lake.

No body answered and I shivered as a cold breeze grazed across my skin. There was something hauntingly quiet about the cool dark blue body of water in front of me. Slowly I moved across the rocky terrain to the edge of the water.

"Luc?" I asked again but like last time I was met with eery silence.

I bit my lip unsure of what I should do next.

"Anna?" Camillas cold voice echoed across the lake from behind me.

Turning around I was met with the rage filled eyes of my sister.

"C-Camilla?" I gasped.

What was she doing out here?

I must have said something out loud as Camilla replied calmly, "I was looking for you..."

I frowned, "Why were you looking for me?"

A wicked grin spread over her lips as she went to reply, "I wanted to talk you you about some stuff.. about Jaiden."

"What about Jaiden?"

"You stole him from me... you whore!" She snarled venomously loosing her cool.

I stumbled back by the harshness in her voice, "I-i know that we've had our differences, but you're my sister and Jaiden is my mate. I know you dislike me but...."

"Dislike you?" She scoffed. "No. I HATE you!"

My lips trembled, "Why? what did I ever do to you?"

Camilla rolled her eyes and moved closer to me, "You were born. I hated you ever since the day mother and father brought you home from the hospital. You were always Mothers favourite, even when you'd do something wrong. And when u went crazy I realize just how much of a freak you really were. You are disgusting and deserve to be nothing more than an animal. So why do you get to be the Luna Queen?"

Looking at her all I could think about was that she was like a child throwing a tantrum over a toy in the supermarket.

"I dong really care about what you think about me. Just please leave alone, I have stuff I need to do," i growl turning my back to her.

"Fine." She muttered.

I assumed she had left but moments later I felt a sharp prick in my spine. I grabbed the spot and turned around in pain. Camilla stood there, glee echoing across her features, a needle in her hand.

"W-what did you do?" I stuttered as my world begin to go fuzzy and my head began to spin.

"I poisoned you." She smile pointing to the needle. "This is a paralyzingly agent, you won't be able to move a muscle in a few moments."

My eyes widened in fear. What would this to to my baby?

"Why?" I managed to get out before I lost all movement in my mouth.

"Why? I thought I told you why. I hate you and I want to be queen. it's very simple if you think about it. You are a freak who doesn't deserve to become the Luna queen. I'm was perfect for the role and I will become queen no matter what." She laughed graving me by my arms and starting to pull me across the rocks.

I wanted to scream from the pain as my skin was ripped from my body. But I couldn't. slowly the agony continued until Camilla stopped at the edge and looked down at me.

"Goodbye Anna."

And with that she pushed me off the rocks.

I fell through the air as if I was flying until I hit the water with a crash which echoed around me.

The night was no longer silent as I approached deaths door.

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