A.C. *😉😏* ❤️️😍💗

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Y/N's P.o.v

Aaron has a photo shoot today and wants me to come with him. "Aaron come on we have to leave!" I shouted up the stairs. Then my boyfriend came running down the stairs. I got in the car and we drove off to where the photo shoot was being held. 

*skip car ride* 

"Your dressing room is the one down there on the left." The lady at the desk said pointing to a corridor. We both walked into the room following the lady's directions. "Oh hey you're here!" A girl said to Aaron. I went over to the couch and sat down, "Let me go get your clothes and then we can get you ready." She said leaving the room. "What's the photo shoot for?"  I asked Aaron "Well actually I don't know I think it's for a magazine." I nod as the girl walks in "By the way I'm Sarah, this is your first costume." She says pointing at it. It's kind of funny how she's ignoring me yet I'm right in front of her. She walk over to Aaron and starts doing his makeup. Its not much just a bit to cover up his 'imperfections' as they call it, I think he's perfect. "Wait you're Y/N" She says looking up at me. "Yeah" I say smiling at her. "You two are so cute together." She says making me  blush a little and Aaron smiles. "Before I do you're hair you need to get dressed" She says. Aaron nods and she walks out. Aaron changes into the suit, he looks so cute in it, as soon as he is ready there's a knock on the door. "Come in" I say making sure Aaron is fully dressed. "You look so good." I say to him he smiles at me "Thanks." He says; Once he is all ready we leave to go to the room where they will take the pictures. I sort out his tie before we walk in. They take a few pictures and then he changes into new clothes. In his last few pictures they wanted him shirtless "Omg Aaron" I say before he walks out of the room, he winks at me and smiles. "I'm not coming with you babe." I said sitting down on the couch. "Why?" He asked me walking over to me "Because I won't be able to stop looking at you and I will want to fuck you right there." I giggle. Aaron kisses me, laughing and then says "Okay babe." Then walks out. I check my phone and a few minutes later Aaron texts me. It was a picture of him shirtless and he also said "You want this body, it's on it's way."  I laughed at how cheesy he was and replied with "Hurry up" Aaron walked in laughing "Shall I drive you home like this?" He asked "No babe that body is mine." I said he laughs and gets ready. 

*skip car ride*

We get home and Aaron starts kissing me. I jump up and he catches me and carries me upstairs to our room.



I am so bad at dirty imagines so I will let your imaginations get up to what happens next although everyone probably knows what happens next ; ) 😏 ilysm and thank u for reading this xxx 


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