J.J. ❤️️😍💗

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"Night babe!" Jack said kissing me softly "Night!" I hugged him as tight as I could with my massive bump. "Night baby girl." He whispered to my bump "I can't wait to see you. Don't cause your mummy too much trouble." I smiled putting my hands against my stomach, faintly feeling her tiny heart beating. Once I had moved my hands they were immediately replaced with Jack's hands. We both ended up cuddling in bed with Jack's hands on the baby and my hands placed on top. "What are we calling her?" I asked Jack, breaking the silence "Emma- Rose sounds good, but I don't really mind." He said rubbing my bump softly. "Emma- Rose sounds good. What's her middle name gonna be?" I asked smiling to myself.  "Well G wants something to do with him and, so, why not? He helped us loads and he's our best friend. I have no ideas though." Jack said. "Shall we ask him for ideas then?" He nodded. Jack ended up calling Gillinsky. Me and Jack Explained that he had to help us come up with a middle name. "So you want uncle G to help?" We all laughed.  "Yeah!"  Jack laughed. "What have you chose for her first name?" G asked, "Emma-Rose." I smiled as I said it. "That sounds good. But I have no idea for a middle name at all!" G said. "Well, you wanted to have it something to do with you!" Jack said laughing a little. "I know, but it's hard to think of one though." G said. We all thought for a bit. "What about Grace because it begins with a G?" G finally said. "Yeah." Jack said "So, Emma- Rose Grace Johnson. But we can call her Emma for short." I smiled, I looked over to Jack who was smiling too. We all talked for a bit. "Bye G. We gotta let Emma and her mum rest." I laughed "Bye G talk to you soon!" I said. "Bye" G said and then we hung up. "I can't believe we made this little girl!" Jack said smiling. "Yeah." I yawned then smiled. "We better go bed now babe." I nodded. "Love you." Jack said kissing my forehead. "Love you too." I kissed his cheek. I lay down and shut my eyes, feeling Jack putting an arm around my waist before falling asleep. A few hours later, I was woken by pain in my stomach. I looked on my phone for the time, 2 AM, Jack was still sleeping next to me. The pain went away. I put my hand on my stomach and tried to sleep again. It was no use the pain came back worse than before than before. "Jack!" I tried waking him up, it took a few tries to get him up. "I think Emma wants to come out!" I squeezed my eyes every time pain hit me. "Stay here babe! I'll put the bags in the car and and we'll get to the hospital!" Jack said pulling clothes on. I nodded "Shall I quickly text Jack?" I said as he was fiddling with the button on his jeans. "If you want." He ran out and took his keys and the suitcase we had filled. I texted Jack "We're on the  way to the hospital Emily can't wait!"  He replied with  "I'll see you there later. Tell JJ to text me when Emily's here!" I couldn't reply, the pain was becoming too much. I breathed like the doctors had told me to do and it helped a little. A few minutes later, Jack came in and helped me up. But as soon as I stood up my water broke. "Jack!" I screamed. He gave me a sympathetic look. Sit back down babe, and breathe. I'll clean up, then I'll get you to the car." He ran to the bathroom and cleaned up. I just sat there panting. I felt kinda bad for Jack. "Okay babe, let's go!" He said, throwing the tissues away and picking me up bridal style. He carried me quickly but carefully. Once we were at the hospital Jack got one of the nurses. We were taken to the room. "Jack!" I cried.  "It's okay baby." He kissed my sweaty forehead. "Okay you're gonna have to push Y/N!" The doctors said, I nodded. I pushed but it hurt like hell, I screamed and squeezed Jack's hand. "You can do it babe!" Jack said. "We can see the head! Just a few more pushes now!" I pushed and finally we heard cries. "Here you go." They handed me the baby girl and I smiled relived. "Jack. this is our baby." I said smiling at him "I know babe. Well done!" He kissed my hand and I saw that his hand was really red. "I'm sorry baby." I said looking at his hand. "It's fine baby. You're really strong!" He laughed, I joined in and saw that Emily was smiling in my hands. "Here wanna hold her?" I said smiling at Jack, he nodded and I handed him Emily. He kissed her head and I smiled. A nurse walked in a few minutes later. "Have you decided what you're going to name her?" She asked, smiling softly. "Yeah, her name's Emily-Rose." I said "Her full name is Emily- Rose Grace Johnson." Jack smiled. "Well, I've got to take Emily-Rose for her check-up. So is it OK for me to take her? I'll bring her back soon." I nodded and Jack handed her Emily. "Jack can you text G and our parents to tell them Emily has been born?" Jack nodded kissing me softly. He quickly sent them messages and the hospital we were at and then me and him talked. "Thank you Jack! For this baby and everything you've done. I truly do love you with all my heart." I smiled, he smiled back "Thank you as well. Without you we wouldn't have been able to make this baby. And thanks for everything you have done. I love you more with all my heart and soul!" A few minutes later, the nurse brought Emily in "All healthy!" She said handing me the baby. "Uncle G's here!" I heard G say. I laughed as he walked in with a bag. "Aww G , you didn't need to buy anything." I said "I really did!" He said handing me the bag. I put it down. "Aww, Emily's so cute!" G said. "She is." Jack said. "Congrats Bro! And congrats Y/N!" "Thanks!" Me and Jack said. "Wanna hold her?" I asked. G nodded and I handed him the baby. Later on Both me and Jack's parents came to visit. My life was going to change forever now. I had my own little family. 


Love this one! Plus it's long so i guess it makes up for not updating in ages. 

I love the Jack's new song Barcelona and Tensions such a jam! Can't wait for Their new album!!


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