J.G. ❤️️😍💗

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"Baby! I'm bored!" I whined to Jack who was sitting across the couch. "I know, me too!" He pouted. "What shall we do?" I asked. "Weathers good. We could go out?" I nodded. I ran upstairs and brushed my hair, put on some chap stick and shoving it in my pocket. Then I put on my trainers, I waited for Jack making sure I had my phone in my pocket. Once we were both ready, we left the house. I walked next to Jack and he gently grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. We held hands sweetly, whilst walking alongside each other. "New music coming out soon babe?" I asked him, breaking the silence. "You'll to wait and see!" Jack Smirked. I rolled my eyes sighing. "Wanna go to the park?" Jack asked me, I nodded my head eagerly making Jack laugh. I smiled watching the children playing as we reached the gates of the playground.  I grabbed Jack's arm and dragged him in, Jack just laughed and let me drag him in. First, we went to the swings. I sat on the swing and Jack pushed me. I laughed as he pushed me higher. I stuck my legs to stop the swing. I told him to sit down. I pushed him and he smiled. I saw some kids get off the big swing and ran over sitting down. Jack soon followed. He sat down next to me, I moved closer to him and we ended up cuddling. Many parents smiled at us when they walked past us. The wind gently pushed the swing, making the moment even more perfect. An elderly approached us and talked to us, we politely talked back. She left after a bit, smiling at us. A few minutes later, a little kid came running to us and asked if he could have a go on the swing. Me and Jack nodded, Jack jumped off the swing and then he picked me up. I giggled and pecked his cheek as he put me back down onto my feet. "Can you help me up?" He asked me. "Sure sweetie!" I lifted him onto the swing. "Where's your parents?" Jack asked him. "My mum's on that bench." He said pointing to a lady sat down on a bench and on her phone. "Want me to push you?" Jack asked; The boy nodded eagerly , and Jack began pushing the kid. "Don't push it too high or fast." I said a little worried. Jack nodded. I smiled as I watched Jack pushing the boy. His mum came walking over after a while, she smiled at me and Jack. Once Jack had stopped pushing and the boy had got off, they both said thank you and then went off. Me and Jack decided to leave as well. We continued walking to the cafe. Jack took me into the small cafe, we were greeted by the smell of coffee. We waited in line for a while and both got ice-cream. We sat down and ate our ice-cream. Once we were done Jack let me jump onto his back and we went to the river to see the ducks. I ended up jumping off Jack's back and walking along the side. We walked home holding hands. We talked and laughed together. I loved these moments with Jack. We soon reached our house, Jack stopped me by the door and kissed me sweetly. "I love you!" Jack said after he pulled away. "Love you too!" I said pecking his lips.


sorry for the late (and short) update. I have a load of exams coming up and I've been very busy.  Thanks for reading xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx        

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