M.E. ❤️️😍💗

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I was so stressed out. My room was a mess and I had so much work to get done. Pieces of paper were scattered around the floor. Empty noodle pots left lying around. My bed covered in piles of clothes and books. I sat at my desk, which seemed to be the only decently cleaned thing in my room, typing and writing. I reached my hand out and grabbed a sweet from the packet. I put it in my mouth and sighed. My phone was silent and somewhere in the pile of junk I had put onto my desk. The window was open letting in a cool breeze. The sun was peeking through my opened blinds. I looked at the clock. I had been in here for hours already. I've been trying to work and study for the whole week. Stressing myself out a lot. My phone vibrated as I got a call. I decided to have a break so I picked it up. "OMG baby are you ok?" I heard a worried Matt ask. "Yes baby." I sighed. "You haven't answered or seen any of my messages and you haven't been online in ages." He said. It was true I hadn't been doing much but studying lately.  "Can you come over?" Matt asked not waiting for me to answer. I glanced at the pile of work in Front of me. "Sorry babe not today." I sighed as I answered. "I don't even care what you're doing I'm coming round." He said sounding a little mad. He hung up and I yawned. I'm so tired. Matt had the key so as soon as he got here he came straight up to my room. "Wow." Matt said looking around my room. He then looked at me "Omg baby." He hugged me I weakly hugged back and then yawned. "How long have you been in here?" He asked looking around. "Few hours." I answered simply. "A few hours!" He shouted shocked. I nodded. "Get up baby." He ordered. I stood up and he sat on the chair, then pulled me onto his lap. "You're overworking yourself." He said kissing my cheek. "Let's tidy up a little first ok?" He said rubbing my arms. I nodded. Matt put on some music and helped me clean up. After quite a while of cleaning, my room looked decent. I yawned. "Take a break." Matt said sitting on the bed. I sat next to him and he put his arm around me. I smiled and rested my head on his chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost immediately. I must have been asleep for a while because when I woke up Matt wasn't there. But he had given me a blanket. I just lay there enjoying relaxing. A few minutes later Matt walked in with bags from Taco Bell. I smiled as he handed me a bag. "Thanks!" I said looking in the bag. We both are talking to each other about random stuff. I looked at the pile of paper on my desk. Work was the last thing on my mind right now. "Let's watch a movie." Matt said throwing our rubbish in the bin. I nodded. If Matt hadn't came over I would have been too stressed for anything.
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Trash Ik 😭😕
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