S.M. ❤️️😍💗

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Thanks @AlexiaAlibocas18 for the idea!

{Shawn is 16 in this one}


I knocked on the door of the house and then waited patiently for the door to open. I heard little kids screaming and shouting inside. Tonight was gonna be a long night, I thought to myself. The door finally opened and 3 kids came running to the door next to their mum. "Hey! Come in!" The lady said stepping to the side, I walked into the house, it was fairly clean except for the toys scattered across the floor. The lady told me everything I needed to know. "Oh and Shawn is upstairs he should be able to help." She shot me a smile and I returned one. As soon as she left the house the kids surrounded me. "Who are you?" The little girl asked sucking her thumb. I picked her up; "Why don't we all go sit down and then we can all get to know each other." The other two kids followed one holding my hand and the other trailing behind. We all sat down the little girl on my lap. "So I'm Y/N. I'm here to look after you guys until your mum gets back. " I said. "I'm Aaliyah." The older girl said. "I'm Katy." The little girl squeaked on my lap. "I'm Sam." The little boy said. I smiled at them. "Okay what shall we do?" I asked them. "Power Puff girls!" Katy said. "Lego!" Sam said getting a box out from under the sofa. Aaliyah just shrugged. "I'm gonna call Shawn down." She said leaving the room. I turned on the TV and put Power puff girls on for Katy. Then I sat next to Sam to help with his Lego. "What are you building?" I asked him. "Car." He said emptying the box . Katy started singing the theme tune as it played quietly on the TV. Aaliyah came back downstairs and then came to sit next to me. "Shawn's coming down." She said. I heard steps coming down the stairs. That must be Shawn I thought. He walked into the room and smiled at me. 'Wow he's hot!' I thought before replying "Yeah I'm Y/N." I said. "Shawn." He said sitting next to me. I blushed a little. "What do you guys wanna eat?" Shawn asked the kids. "Spaghetti hoops!" Katie and Sam said. Aaliyah rolled her eyes. I just giggled; Shawn looked at me, I blushed a little and looked away."Y/N? Wanna help me make dinner?" He said causing me to look at him. "Yeah, ok. Aaliyah you can watch the little ones right?" I said. She nodded. I stood up and followed Shawn to the kitchen. "There's cans of spaghetti hoops in the cupboard over there." Shawn said, pointing at one of the cupboards. He got out a pan and I got the spaghetti hoops. "How old are you?" Shawn asked pouring 2 cups of water. "15." I answered. "Wow, Mum got someone younger to babysit." I blushed when he said that. "How old are you?" I asked him. "16." He laughed. Shawn turned around to mix the spaghetti hoops and that gave me a chance to stare at him. He had really soft looking, brown hair. His muscles flexed through his top. He turned back around. I noticed his warm, honey eyes and his soft pink lips. "You done staring?" Shawn joked, winking at me. "Sorry." I blushed. He nodded smiling at me. I got out my phone, feeling his eyes on me. I looked up to find him staring at me. I blushed and smiled. "So pretty." He muttered, I don't think he wanted me to hear. "Thanks." I said giggling. He blushed "Did I say that out loud?" He asked. I nodded, he groaned and turned away. "Shawn it's ok." I giggled. He turned back around and moved closer to me. Aaliyah walked in at that exact moment. "Are the hoops done?" She said. Shawn checked and nodded. "All of you come sit in here." He said a slight blush in his cheeks. Aaliyah, Katy and Sam came and sat at the table where I had got out their plates. Shawn shared out the spaghetti hoops. They all ate in silencer and I stood awkwardly. "When do they need to go bed?" I asked Shawn breaking the silence. "Katy and Sam will probably go bed in half an hour and Aaliyah can stay up with us I guess." He said. I just nodded. "Why don't we go talk whilst they finish eating?" He said taking my hand. I blushed and walked with him. "You truly are the cutest and most prettiest girl ever." He said putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I blushed "Thanks." He smiled. "Can I get your number?" He asked winking. I nodded; unlocking my phone and giving it to him. He did the same. We put our numbers into each other's phones and handed them back. The kids came running in, Aaliyah walking behind them. They had sauce/soup all over their faces. "Sam, Katy, let's go get you guys cleaned up." They were by my side in a few seconds and I helped them wash their hands and faces. "I'm tired." Katy pouted. Sam stood next to her yawning. "Let's get you two to bed then." I said putting down the towel I had in my hand. Me, Shawn and Aaliyah put them both to sleep and Aaliyah decided she wanted to read in her room. Me and Shawn went downstairs. "Wanna eat pizza?" Shawn asked me getting a pizza box out from the fridge. "It's from last night though." He said. "I don't mind." I didn't wanna be rude, but I was pretty hungry. Shawn got out 2 plates and warmed up the pizza. "Here let's watch a movie." Shawn said carrying the plates to living room. He put on a movie and we both sat next to each other. Shawn handed me a plate and I placed it on my lap. The rest of the night, we watched movies and ended up cuddling.


Sorry I haven't written in a  while but here's a long imagine to make up for it

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