C.D. ❤️️😍💗

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A/N- Most of this will be in Cam's P.O.V


Cam's P.O.V

"Cam." My girlfriend Y/n said to me "Yes princess" I said back looking up from my phone. "You're going to meet my parents today. Remember?" She said laughing at my confused face. "Oh yeah. What time are we leaving?" I said checking the time "We have to be there around 6. It takes about 10 minutes to get there." It's 4 right now so we have 2 hours. I've never met her parents before, what if they don't like me? "Oh by the way babe just wear casual clothes but make sure you don't look messy." She said I nodded and she kissed my cheek. "Stop biting your lip you'll make it bleed!" She laughed, I laughed with her. This was one of the reasons I loved her she always knew what to say to make me laugh or smile. "Well babe I'm gonna go get ready." She said standing up. I nodded and she left, I decided to call Nash. (bold -Cam Normal- Nash)

Hey bro.

Hey, what's up?

Well I'm going to see Y/n's parents and I don't know if they'll like me.

Bro just chill and act normal but not too normal and be nice, you know what I mean.

Yeah thanks bro.

No prob. Bye, I got to go

Okay. Bye bro.

(End of phone convo)

After checking my Instagram I decided to go get ready. 

Y/N's P.O.V

I had my white dress that was blue at the bottom (pic below⬇️)

I had my white dress that was blue at the bottom (pic below⬇️)

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I went back into the bathroom and did my make up. After spraying my favourite perfume I was ready. I checked my bag and then went downstairs . I checked the time, it was 5:45,before calling Cam, "Babe we have to go!" I shouted Cam came out of the kitchen holding flowers. "Wow princess you look beautiful!" I smiled at him and said "Not looking too bad yourself."  

Cam's P.O.V

Y/n looked amazing I had brought flowers for her mum, I didn't know the way to her house so she drove us there. I held the flowers in my hands and my knee bounced up and down from how nervous I was. "It's fine they'll love you!" Y/N said reading my mind she smiled at me and looked back over to the road. I smiled back at her. Finally we got there. Me and Y/n got out of the car. I followed Y/N to the door, she knocked. "Hey mum." Y/N said as she opened the door. "Hello Darling." Her mum said back hugging her. "Hello Mrs. Y/L/N." I said. "Hello you must be Cameron; Y/N's boyfriend. Come in!" She said giving me a hug. "Oh and feel free to call me (your mum's name)!" She said I gave her the flowers as I walked inside. "Oh thank you. These are lovely." She said to me. "Your dad is in that room." Y/n's mum said; pointing at the room opposite me. I walked over to Y/N "See my mum already likes you." She whispered I grabbed her hand holding it sweetly. Just her dad now I thought to myself as we walked into the room. "Hey Y/N long time no see." Her dad said walking over to us and hugging her. "This is my boyfriend Cameron." She said smiling at me. "Hello son." He said smiling at me. Y/n left me with her dad so she could go help out her mum. "So, I'm (your dad's name)!" He said holding his hand out for me to shake. We talked about work and football and things like that. "Dinner!" I heard Y/N yell. I followed her dad to the table and sat down next to Y/n and opposite her mum. We ate and talked "Wow (your mum's name) this is really nice. I can see where Y/n gets her cooking skills from." I said. "Thank you Cameron!" Her mum said laughing. After dinner Y/n's dad said he wanted to talk to me. "Cameron do you love my daughter?" He asked me as soon as we were in the other room. "Yes I do, I love her so much. I can't see my life without her, she's my everything." I said speaking the truth. "Well son, if you married her would you treat her right?" He asked. "Yes I'd treat her like a princess and give her everything she needs." I said, he smiled at me. "Well her mum seems to like you, I like you and it's clear Y/n loves you. So welcome to our family." He says smiling at me. "Thanks sir." I say my smile growing wider. Then Y/N walked in with her mum. "We better leave, It's getting late." Y/n said to her mum. "Okay sweetie." "But both of you come back soon so we can have more family dinners!" Her dad said smiling at us. After saying bye we left and went home. "Told you they would like you!" Y/n said. I smiled thinking of my future with her. 


 Thanks for reading this ily guys so much. Comment,vote and follow me xxxx 

Still can't believe cam is 24 omg!!!     

Edited// (07/01/2019)

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