J.J. ❤️️😍💗

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Y/N's P.O.V

Today was the day I would finally be meeting my idols from MAGCON. I loved all the boys, but my favourite had to be Jack Johnson because he was so cute and had lot's of talent. I was going with my best friend B/F/N. "OMG 3 hours to go!" I screamed practically jumping out of bed and running over to B/F/N. "Ugh let me sleep." She said glaring at me. I laughed and walked over to the bathroom. I decided to get ready as we both had to get ready, drive there and be ready for the meet and greet. I brushed my teeth and Showered, then I did my make up I wore this...

 I brushed my teeth and Showered, then I did my make up I wore this

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"Get up or no Starbucks!" I said throwing a pillow at B/F/N. She groaned and got up. Once she was ready we left.

 *Skip to Meet and Greet* 

That was a great show. It was so energetic and I was feeling so hyper. Me and B/F/N decided to just go see the boys in the order they were put in. That way Jack and Jack would be last and I would be able to take more time with them. First we took pictures with Cameron, then Hayes and Nash, then Matt, Carter and Shawn and then we finally got to the Jack's line. After a few minutes, maybe half an hour we got near the front. "OMG there's Jack Johnson!" I screamed jumping up and down, B/F/N laughed at me. I calmed down a little and walked over to the Jack's. "Hey." Jack J said making me blush. "Hi." I said looking down at my feet. "How are you?" G asked me. "Good, what about you?" I said "We're good!" They both said at the same time making me laugh. We took our pictures. "What's your name?" Jack J asked me. "Y/N" I smiled. "Can I see your phone?" He asked me. "Um... yeah sure." I said unlocking it. I watched as he typed something. He gave me back my phone and he winked at me making me blush like crazy. That boy makes me go crazy. I checked my phone as I walked away. He had put in his and G's numbers. I smiled at the contact names and checked my notes. "Meet me after the show." It said I showed my friend and she screamed. "We have to wait here a few minutes!" She said making me laugh. After the show I met up with the Jack's, my friend came too. Me and Jack talked a lot and he introduced me and B/F/N to the others. After spending time with my Idols/ besties  and getting all of their numbers me and B/F/N had to leave. "See you soon guys." I said waving . They waved back and I smiled to myself this was every girls dream.



SURPRISE!!!! Here's a double update for you all. ILY guys 

Comment, vote and follow me xxxxxxx 

Edited// (09/01/2019)

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