S.M. 💗😍❤️️

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It was raining and I had forgotten my coat at home. I thought it would be fine but I guess I was wrong. I walked as fast as I could, I was completely soaked and freezing. I'm pretty sure I looked disgusting right now but I wasn't in the mood to care. I saw a small cafe at the end of the street I was walking on. It looked warm and pretty empty. I walked quickly down the street and into the cafe. Heat hit my body and I shivered. It was pretty empty, just an old couple and a cute guy. were sitting inside. The cute guy sat alone near where I was standing. I decided it would be best if I had a coffee, warmed up a bit and then called someone to pick me up. I walked to the counter where a woman stood. She looked at me sympathetically and asked me what I wanted. "Just a coffee please." I said. I waited whilst she made the coffee and then paid her as she handed it to me. I sat in the corner on the table next to the cute guy. I looked over to him noticing he was writing in a notebook. He looked up and around and then scribbling into his notebook again. He looked around again but this time his eyes caught mine. His eyes were warm and kind, they matched his face perfectly. He gave me a smile and put down his pen. He then picked up his book and cup and placed them opposite me. "Can I sit here?" He asked politely. I nodded and he sat across from me. "You look cold." He said giving me a slightly worried look. I smiled at him "I'm fine." I lied. I guess he could tell because he took off his jacket and offered it to me. "Here you can wear my jacket." He said. I politely declined his jacket and took a sip of my coffee. "I'm fine honestly." I said. He stood up and put his jacket around my shoulders, so I had no other choice but to put it on. He smiled once I had it on properly. "I'm Shawn." He said holding his hand out. "Y/N." I shook his hand. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said making giggle and blush. "Thanks." I said. We talked for the next few minutes. "It doesn't look like it's gonna stop raining anytime soon." He said looking out of the window. I nodded "I've got to get home soon." I sighed; I had no one to call for a lift so I'd probably have to walk. "It's been nice talking to you. Maybe we could hang out again soon." He said. I nodded "definitely." He got out his phone and said "Can I get your number?" "Of course." I said handing him my phone. We both put our numbers into each other's phones and handed them back. "Thank you for lending me your jacket." I said hugging me once we both stood up. "It's fine." he smiled. I gave him his jacket and we both walked out into the rain. I walked with him to his car, since that's the way I was going to walk. He gave me a hug before saying "I'll give you a lift if you want." At first I politely said no but then he demanded that I went with him. "Thank you Shawn." I said once we pulled up at my house. "It's fine." He said smiling at me. We both looked into each other's eyes and began leaning in a little. Shawn's lips touched mine and our lips moved in sync. We smiled as we pulled away. "Can I take you on a date tomorrow?" He said nervously. I nodded "Text me once you're home and we can sort that out." We both laughed and I finally got out the car. "Thanks again." I said closing the door. I walked to my front door as he drove off. I was finally home after a long afternoon. 

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