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Shelly's nerves were on edge, thanks to that damned picture. Every once in a while, she would look toward it, just to make sure it hadn't changed back into a picture that projected eerie likenesses of her group. She wondered why she had seen it while the others hadn't? Eva did mention that one of the men photographed reminded her of Quincy, but she didn't see it the way Shelly had - looking exactly like Quincy! She caught herself staring at the picture again and gave herself a mental shake. Stop it! It was just your mind playing tricks on you. It's been a stressful night so far, and, look, you're in a nuthouse. Of course you're going to feel a little nutty.

Still ...

On top of the creepy ass picture, Alex was acting differently toward her: first, he acted like an asshole, then, he acted like a lovesick puppy! She wondered if the house was getting to him. He'd had his little freak out with Quincy, too. She silently scoffed at "little." It really wasn't all that little. He was lucky the new dude hadn't shot him! 

When Alex brought her the small can of individual serving soup he had heated up for her, she smiled at him. He had gone a tad psycho on Quincy and he had snapped at her, but he seemed to be genuinely sorry about it. She sipped at the soup, tomato, and let the warmth of it work through her chilled body. 

Too bad it couldn't do anything for the chill creeping into my very soul, she thought ruefully. She was sure there were unseen forces at work. She knew it seemed crazy, but she had definitely picked up on that, and wondered if the others felt it, too. She was tempted to ask, but wasn't sure her query would be accepted without a sideways glance or two. Looking at Alex, she guessed he did not feel the unseen forces around him, or within him. He was his usual nervous self, still fiddling with his gear. Eva and Quincy were actually talking to one another. Eva might be open to the idea of something supernatural at play, but Quincy would be quick with the side eye. No doubt. Shelly was positive Mark would be receptive to the idea of paranormal activity. Maybe too receptive. She didn't feel like opening that can of worms just yet. He was very ... enthusiastic. 

She sighed heavily and turned her attention to Eva and Quincy, curious about what could have them being so amicable with one another. They were talking about exploring the asylum in an effort to find something for which Quincy was searching. She narrowed her eyes. Apparently, this Quincy fellow was some sort of private detective, and was not interested in being pleasant, or making friends. He seemed to just want to get in, find whatever he was there to get, and leave. Shelly had no qualms about him doing just that. She knew she wouldn't miss him.

Eva called out to her, "Hey, Shelly! You in?"

Shelly hesitated to answer. Was she in? Did she really want to walk around this creepy place with these strangers? She bit her lip. She did want answers, and she might be able to find them if she did some investigating of her own. After a moment of silence, in which Eva and Quincy decided to team up and Mark ran out to grab his ghost hunting supplies, she decided to agree to check out Clarkmann. Why the hell not? YOLO, right? 

Just before Mark left, he referenced all the strange stuff that was happening, and Shelly couldn't help but throw a disgruntled, "That's freakin' insane," his way. No one, including Mark, seemed to take notice. 

As Mark left the house, Shelly turned to Eva and replied, "Yes, of course. I'm in." She paused, leveling a serious gaze at everyone in the room. "I do think we need to be careful, though. I have a strong feeling we are not alone here. And I am not talking alone regarding the living. There are strong presences here, y'all. That picture," she pointed to the picture, although she refused to look at it again, "is really disturbing, and I believe there is more to it than meets the eye." 

Shelly sat her unfinished can of soup on the debris covered receptionist desk before looking at the group before continuing. 

"I'm glad Mark and Eva have experience with paranormal beings and things, because I believe we are going to experience some really sinister stuff as we get farther into this asylum. So, we need to be prepared for that."

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