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That was intense, Eva thought as she stood next to Quincy and Mark, and watched a handcuffed Alex mumble in his sleep. She looked over at Shelly, who was absentmindedly messing with the bandage on her nose. I wonder what really did happen? With the way Alex is behaving maybe he really did hurt her. She started to move toward Shelly to ask her, but then she stopped.

"Um. Whoa. Wait a minute." She looked around, lines furrowing her brow. "We're in the East wing."

Shelly shook her head. "The East wing? I thought we were in the West wing."

Eva grabbed Shelly's wrist, her gray eyes going round. "Well, you were. You guys went West and we went East," she gave Shelly's wrist a shake as she looked around the ruined room, "How did we meet you here?"

Shelly shrugged. "I guess we just came back this way. We did walk quite a bit. Up some stairs, then down some stairs. Actually, I fell down some stairs." She gingerly touched her bandaged nose. "That's how this happened."

"Oh," Eva said, nodding. "I guess so. I just ... well, I didn't realize the wings would meet, you know?"

Again, Shelly shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know. It's not like I have a map of the place."

Eva bit her lip, thinking. "Those bangs, though, and the shadow Quincy and I saw? It's almost like we were being led to this spot, to each other."

Shelly raised an eyebrow. "Hmm. You might be right. It does seem like we were meant to end up here, in this area. I wonder why?"

She looked around the room. Eva did, too. Alex was chained to a pipe which ran from the floor up to a large basin-like sink. In front of the sink was a large pane of glass. It was filthy from age and neglect. Eva couldn't see what was in the next room.

On the far side of the sink was a door which led into the adjoining room. She walked over and tried the knob. It turned easily enough in her hand. She opened the door and shined her light inside. Over her shoulder, Shelly gasped. A chill raced down Eva's spine at the sight in front of her. 

The room she had discovered was very obviously an operating room. There was an odd looking table in the center of the room with a large lamp hanging over it. There were supply lockers, with their doors hanging haphazardly, lining the walls.

"I think that's where they performed lobotomies," Shelly whispered, her breath blowing on Eva's neck and making her shiver. "It looks like the picture in the lobby."

"So, we were led to the OR where people had their brains drilled?" Quincy asked incredulously.

Everyone stared at everyone. Quincy's eyebrows drew together in a scowl. Mark began scratching his head, a thoughtful expression on his face. Shelly's mouth fell open and her wide eyes blinked several times as she tried to take it all in.

Eva turned around and pushed past Shelly. She edged away from the group, coming back up against the wall opposite the large sink with the murky window above it.

"I don't like this place, y'all. I don't like it! What is going on here?!"

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