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Quincy watched intensely as Eva started to walk in front of him. He couldn't help thinking about how attracted to her he was. At first, he thought the attraction stemmed from the fact that he hadn't been alone with a woman in over two months, but he was starting to think there was something more than just that. Something more profound. It wasn't purely a physical or lustful fascination. There was something deep inside him, driving his thoughts. IS she the one? Quincy didn't believe in past lives, at least he didn't think he did. Had he known her in a previous life?

Just as Quincy started to come out of his contemplative haze, he noticed a shadow dart around the corner at the end of the hall, only a few feet ahead of Eva. He didn't react, lest the pretty redhead pick up on his unease and get skittish on him. He did not want to deal with a skittish female. When Eva stopped in her tracks, Quincy continued to amble around her, demeanor cool and collected.

Eva gasped, "Did you just see that!?"

He reached for his weapon as he continued to walk to the end of the corridor. Still, he maintained his ignorance, inquiring, "See what?"

"I think someone just went down that hallway up ahead," Eva whispered as she fell into step behind him.

Quincy looked over his shoulder at her, trying to gauge how distraught she was at the thought of someone, or something, else being nearby. She looked upset, but only mildly so. For the most part, she seemed pretty cool under pressure. Quincy found himself appreciating that about her. Just one more thing to add to the pros list, he thought lightheartedly. 

He raised an eyebrow questioningly, letting her feel like she was in charge, guiding him. As she pointed to the right, Quincy poked his head around the corner. There was no sign of anyone. The hallway was long, dark, empty, and silent. He would admit only to himself that he was pleased to not find a spook lurking about. He wasn't exactly scared of ghosts ... He just didn't much want to make the acquaintance of one any time soon. Let the little redhead have her fun playing at ghost hunting. He'd rather hunt those still on the corporeal plane. 

Holding his gun steady, just in case there was someone, a real live someone, creeping around, Quincy turned the corner and started down the hall. 

"Stay close to me," he called quietly over his shoulder to his companion.

Eva replied, "How close?"

Quincy smirked, his face averted from Eva so she couldn't see his amusement. "If you can't hear me breathing, you're too far." 

Then, randomly, because Quincy loved keeping people on their toes, he asked, "Do you like the beach?"

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