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Shelly was about to seek shelter inside the creepy asylum, when she heard a car approaching from the dirt drive. Not knowing what to think, she quickly hid behind a thick oak tree, just in time before it pulled up in front of the entrance. A nice looking guy got out of the car, holding a camera. She was a distrusting person by nature anyway, so she remained hidden, watching the man warily. He looked the house over, and moved toward the wide steps leading up onto the porch.

Taking her switchblade out of her back pocket, she slowly began to walk toward him. By now, the sun had almost set, giving the large trees around the house an ominous appearance. The night air was chilly, causing Shelly to shiver slightly. He looks harmless enough, but then so did Ted Bundy, she thought as she silently approached him from behind. 

He must have sensed her presence, because he suddenly turned to her, and said, "Whoa, wait! I'll give you everything I have, miss, just don't hurt me! I won't call the police, either, you can have my wallet, camera, cell phone, and vehicle. I swear won't call the police!"

Shelly stopped in her tracks, and lowered the hand holding the switchblade. She was caught off guard by the obvious fear in his voice. His dark eyes were wide with fright and he didn't look like he was about to put up a fight. He was kind of easy on the eyes, too. 

Shelly sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "Look, I don't want your things! I'm actually sort of glad to see you! I'm lost. What I need is a ride into town, so could you help me get there?"

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