Don't Hate on His Kid (pt. 2)

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What if I wrote this entire book while being high? With the amount of trashy ideas and misspelled words, I'm beginning to think so myself...

Dinner was relatively quiet. Nobody even dared to go near Peter, because Shuri would glare fiercely at them if they even attempted. Ned came over after Peter assured Shuri that, yes, they're best friends, and no, I swear I'm not lying. MJ was following Ned.

"Sup losers," she asked, completely ignoring Shuri's intense gaze. Peter grinned.

"Hey MJ! Hey Ned!" Peter happily said while putting food on his fork.

"Dude. Don't 'Hey Ned!' Me! The Avengers just came down with you and were gonna beat Flash up! His face was priceless! Then the freaking princess of Wakanda comes looking for you, then you help solve the problem thingy, and you're just gonna 'Hey Ned!' Me??" Ned rambled.

"What he said," MJ said from over her book. Peter simply grinned. Shuri was literally cackling. Peter ate the forkfull of food, before pointing said fork at his school friends.

"Sounds like a you problem," he said before going back to his microwavable Mac and cheese. Tony used to not stock the tower with that stuff because "its too cheap! I have to keep up my reputation!" But the one time...

(Don't be confused, this is a flashback)

"Peter? What are you doing?" Tony asked as the kid carried in two grocery bags. Peter simply grinned and put them on the kitchen counter. He began pulling out packs of microwavable Mac and cheese.

"This stuff is heaven Mr. Stark-"

"Tony," Peter ignored him.

"And its so easy to make! And its cheap!" Tony rolled his eyes, but had a fond smile on his face. This kid, is literally a... Kid...

Ever since then, Tony would keep the tower stocked with the stuff, and even he would eat them every once in a while. Friday chimed on.

"Mr. Parker, it is currently 7 p.m. which means it is time to work in the labs with Tony and Dr. Banner," Friday reminded. See, Peter often got caught up in... Anything really, he probably had ADHD... Wow... Where were we? Oh yeah! So, Friday has a bunch of reminders for him, because he gets so caught up or distracted.

"Um, (cue intense blushing) Friday, 'm on a school trip," he mumbled. Shuri was sounding like an evil villain by now.

"Tony has programmed me to inform you of when you mumble, Peter, as you just did. Would you like me to tell Tony that you will not be attending this session?" Friday asked.


"Nevermind. Tony has told me that he already knows and to stop embarrassing you. Have a good rest of your night, Peter,"

Let it be said that I have so many ideas for this book and I feel like this one is TRASHHHHHH but! I'll continue it. Here we go again!!

As if Friday was magic, the rest of his night did go well. No random famous people popping up out of nowhere, trying to embarrass Peter to death. Flash didn't do anything with Shuri around. And for once, he could enjoy himself with his friends. Then, the time for bed came. Since the guest floor was currently being remodeled, the were going to be staying on the Avengers floor, as it was the safest place to stay. Everyone was buzzing with excitement when they were told.

Once everything was situated (meaning, they knew where they were sleeping, where the bathroom was, and where not to go), everyone settled down. They took turns changing in the bathroom and began to quietly talk to themselves. Peter layer, sprawled out by the windows, looking out at his city. It was peaceful, until...

"CLINT I SWEAR TO GOD GET OUT OF MY VENTS," Tony fucking Stark had to walk in. As if on cue, Clint fell from the ceiling, right on top of Peter, who groaned at the extra weight. Shuri began to cackle again. Clint joined her. Peter sighed and excepted his fate. That was until Tony cane around and kicked Clint. Said man stood up and chased the billionaire out of the room. Peter could feel the eyes on him as he willed himself to sleep.


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