I Dream Of A Happy Home Pt. 1

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Basically homeless Peter and like, they haven't met yet and Tony is ready to full on coddle this kid who is really skittish and the Avengers are confused as always. Enjoy.

Peter huffed as he climbed atop the dumpster. The force of the lift pulling on his bruised and cut up skin. He sat there, back against the wall. His feet were the only thing over the edge of the dumpster. He could feel his hair matted heavily onto his scalp and forehead. God, he longs for a long, hot shower; complete with bubbles and all the time he needs and wants. He knows it's only a wish though. He's reminded of it, when he looks down at his dirt and blood caked shirt. With a frustrated sigh, he slumped against the wall. He reminded himself that he could be off way worse. He could be dead. Like every other Parker.

With that, he shook his head, regaining his thoughts. A slight shuffle of movement later, and he had his arms tucked safely inside his shirt, protecting them from the chill. He was borderline exhausted. Running from the others, on food that he ate days ago, and little to no sleep a night. So yeah, he didn't think much about it when he let himself fall asleep; leaning his tired head against the cold, hard, brick wall.


If anyone were to see him, they would write it off as him just taking a walk; but anyone who was close to the man would see that he was mad. Tony just wanted to blow off steam, keep his head on straight. He didn't need to blow up on one of his teammates. He was a good distance from the tower when he realized with increasing frustration, he was lost. Even though his mind was screaming at him to not, he turned down an alley. Almost immediately, his attention was caught by the dumpster, or rather, what was on the dumpster. A kid, arms inside his shirt, no doubt for warmth. Dirt caked curls matted down. He couldn't be older than 17. Tony felt his heart clenched at the sight. The kid was in obvious need of a good meal and a shower. A good night's sleep, too. The bags under the kid's eyes put Tony's to shame. All of his previous anger faded as the kid snuffled before cracking open his eyes. Tony felt awkward as the kid stared at him because it really looked weird from the kid's perspective.


Peter stared at the man in front of him. What the fuck, what the fuck whattheFUCK. Does this guy just come and stare at random homeless kids? Holy shit what if he's a pedophile? Peter's thoughts stopped as the man began to talk.

"Sorry, I um, I just got lost," well that was a relief. He's just a lost civilian, he can deal with that right now. Peter blinked the bleariness away before slowly sliding his arms out of his shirt. He gave his knuckles a nice cracking before hopping down from the spot he had cozied himself in. With a shrug of his shoulders, he turned to deal with the man.

"Where to, then. I happen to know this city like the back of my hand," Peter said with a shy smile. The man, obviously pleased that he was being offered help, smiled back.

"Avengers Tower," the man said without even batting an eye. Peter simply raised an eyebrow before shrugging. If this dude needed to go to the tower, he'll take him, whatever.


Tony was a little confused but grateful to be getting the help. Does the soot-covered teen know that he was walking in the presence of a billionaire? If so, he wasn't acting like it at all, and to be honest, Tony was completely fine with that.

"It's just a couple of blocks away now," said kid interrupted Tony's thoughts. He recognized where he was, but just being in the presence of this kid made him feel so calm. He decided to indulge himself a little longer.

"Hey, Parker, what are you doing back in town? Looking for another beating," a gruff voice chuckled. 'Parker' froze and turned around slowly. Tony did as well. There was a dirty man with a scowl on his face. Everything about his stance indicated that he had drunk too much. Why would he waste the money he gets on alcohol? Well, Tony can't really say anything as he's working out similar issues.

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