The Village

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Holy shit!! So for those of you who don't know, which is probably a lot of you. I am and FtM trans, which is Female to Male. And I'm in a household where like, everyone is a hardcore christian and generally think I'm an abomination now. Well, my mom took away my binders and I've been extremely dysphoric because like, yeah. Then I found this song and literally cried when I listened to it. It'll be up top. But then my grandma took me to a restaurant with my uncle and my Great aunt and the waiter called me bud! Like!! Yes! That's me! And like, I'm a happy rambling mess tight now lol but here's trans Peter!!

No your mom don't get it. And your dad don't get, uncle John don't get it.

Peter stared into the mirror. A face he didn't even recognize stared back. A face with broken eyes. A face with cracked lips. A face with tear stains... His face.

And you can't tell grandma cause her heart can't take it and she might not make it

His eyes traveled down to his bonded chest. Real guys don't have to press their chests down. Real guys don't cry every time someone brings up their gender. Real guys are nothing like Peter. Nothing. The tears started again. Peter turned to the side. He cried as he saw that his boobs were still sort of visible. God, why can't he have been born right? Peter sat on the ground and curled into himself. Gently, he started singing.

"They say "don't dare, don't you even go there, cutting off your long hair. You do as you're told"" his voice cracked as he remembered when he first cut his hair.


Amelia laid in bed, unable to fall asleep. One thought repeating in her head. The kids were so mean and she can't even tell anyone.

'What's wrong with you? Are you like, restarted or something? Girls can't play with boys, that's gross. Like you,'

Amelia rolled over to stare out of her window. The lights of New York always gave her a sense of joy. She sat up and let her lags dangle off the pink bedspread. Pink... What a weird color. She liked red better, or blue. Really, it was a tie. But she had been stuck with pink because that's a girl's color. She stood and made her way to her bookbag. She unzipped it, pulled out her pencil pouch, and grabbed the scissors. Holding them the correct way, she made her way to the bathroom, where she cut off her locks of hair with a bright smile.

"I'm a boy," she whispered to herself. She was a boy... He was a boy

Peter sucked in a quick breath before continuing.

"Tell you " Wake up, go put on your makeup, this is just a phase you're gonna outgrow,""

When May and Ben found out...

*nother flashback*

"May! Ben! I'm ready for school!" Amelia called as he entered the room. He really needed to find a new name...

May turned around from cooking, with a smile, that quickly dropped as she saw her niece's hair that was cut awfully.

"Amelia Parker what did you do?" He instantly faltered. Were they not okay with it?

"I- I'm a boy," he whispered, more to encourage himself. Ben knelt in front of him as May shut the stove off.

"Oh honey, why didn't you tell us you felt that way?" Ben asked as May joined.

"'Cause 's not normal," he whimpered.

"That is not true. Now, we're gonna call the school and tell them you won't be in today. Then, we'll fix your hair and get you some new clothes. How about it?" May asked. Amelia beamed at them and nodded quickly.

"But first," Ben lifted Amelia, who giggled, into his arms. "We need to give this young man a fitting name,"

"Peter! Like my old puppy!" Peter shouted happily.

"Peter it is then. Peter Parker,"

Peter couldn't help but smile at the silly reason for the name that grew on him so well. Peter sighed as he looked at the ceiling. The chipping paint calmed him slightly. Knowing he was home. He was loved. He was accepted.

But the bullying

There's something wrong in the village. In the village, oh.

They stare in the village. In the village oh

Flash's name calling. The shoving. The snide comments about his gender. The teachers calling him Amelia still. Not being able to use the men's restroom...

There's nothing wrong with you, its true, its true

The fact that Mr. Stark doesn't even know.

There's something wrong with the village. With the village.

There's something wrong with the village.

Spidermanning was hard. He never wire a binder while doing that. Its hard to breath in one regularly, let alone while spidermanning. And some people were conspiring...

Feel the rumors follow you from Monday all the way to Friday dinner. You got one day of shelter till Sunday hell to pay you young lost sinner.

God, Peter remembers being 13 and praying so hard that God would fix him, make him feel normal. Cause real boys didn't have to fake their way through. Real boys didn't get bullied like that.

Well I've been there sitting in that same chair whispering that same prayer half a million times. Its a lie though, buried in disciples, one page of the bible isn't worth a life.

When the club of people who get together to worship God at school came for him. Spewing words of hate.

There's something wrong in the village
In the village, oh
They stare in the village
In the village, oh
There's nothing wrong with you
It's true, it's true
There's something wrong with the village
With the village
There's something wrong with the village x2

But, May loves him for who he is. And that's what matters...

Part two where Tony finds out??

FYI, mostly all of this was written before the whole aunt thing. And I just want to thank you all for your support. I'm feeling a lot better, talked to my sister, who supports me. And I read all of your comments!! Thank you so much!

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