The Sky

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Peter always liked the sky, when it was sunny, when it was cloudy, or stormy, and especially at night. The stars brightly shining and calling to him. Yes, Peter loved the sky. Emphasis on loved. Now, he was scared to look at the sky because all that was there was a mist and if you stared too long you started to see your worst nightmares. There were never any stars, no sun or rain. It was blank. That was how the entire place was, mountains and hills and plains of the same material, but not grass. It was sand like, but it wasn't sand. He missed the soft grass, the sky, his sky. He missed Tony, and May, and the Avengers. He wanted to go home, he wanted out, was that too much to ask for?

Tony hadn't slept in days, he was borderline insane at that point, but who would be sane after they've lost their kid? May was gone, she couldn't handle life without Peter and left. She killed herself. If Tony was honest, he was almost there himself, but he knew his kid would come back. He knew it. He hadn't stepped outside in the longest time, too hurt to even glance at the sky. He knew it was Peter's favorite. Instead, he spent any free time he had (forced to have because Rhodey was getting annoyed with Tony's constant murmuring) painting the ceiling of Peter's room.

Finally the day had come. They were getting Peter back, and the others, but Peter was the main person on Tony's mind. He waited for them, god he waited months for his kid, he can wait a couple more hours until the guardians come to Earth with him. He can't wait to feel his curls again, hold him again. He can't wait to have him fall asleep on him again, with his face in his chest and his puffs of air. He can't wait for him to be home.

Rhodey was ready to strangle Tony to death at this point because he was so jittery. Then the ship landed. Tony was the first to reach it and start banging on the door. It opened and Peter stepped out, not his Peter though, Peter Quill. Tony grabbed him instantly by the arm.

"Is he there? Is he in there? Did you get my kid," Quill simply smiled.

"Mr. Stark?" Tony turned instantly. It was undeniably Peter. Every single hit if him, right down to the last curl. Peter wasted no time running to him, clinging to him. Tony clung back instantly.

"Oh my God, Peter. I love you, oh my God," Peter was sobbing.

"I felt it all, I felt every part of me fighting to stay alive. It hurt," Peter sobbed into his father's chest. Tony's eyes filled with tears of his own.

"Shhh, I know, I know," Tony tried to sooth him. Peter was slowly starting to disassociate. Sony's touch was so far away, his voice almost silent. Just when he got back. He can't breath. Suddenly he could feel Tony's touch on his cheeks.

"Hey, don't go doing that in me," his voice is muffled. His head was turned to the sky. The sky. His sky. His blue sky. Tony's touch. He leaned in, suddenly feeling very weak. Tony was supporting him.

"That's right, breath. I got you. I got you," Tony minutes into his curls.

Peter will be better. It will take a while, yes, but he will be better.

So, yeah. Part two??

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