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Peter told himself as he stared the monster in the eye.

You have complete power over this situation.

He mused gently, trying to gain the courage to fight off the beast and-


Peter quickly snatched his phone and ran out if the apartment. He stood outside of the building, gasping for breath. He couldn't do it... He needed reinforcements. He quickly dialed a number on his phone.

It rang once. Twice. And a third time before a soft click was heard.

"Hey underoos, what's up?" The cool voice of Tony Stark filtered through the phone.

"Mr. Stark, I couldn't beat it, I need help," Peter said quickly into the phone.

"Woah, okay, where are you?" Tony asked urgently. Peter quickly spat out that he was in front of his apartment building before Tony hung up. Not even 5 minutes later, Tony shows up, with all his glory, in his suit. Peter quickly led him to the offender. Tony stepped out of the suit.

"Um, Pete?" Tony asked, confused. Said teen was currently hiding behind him. Peter hummed softly in acknowledgment.

"That's just a spider," Tony reminded.

"It moved!" Peter mumbled. Tony let out a laugh before looking back at the arachnid. Said spider moved a leg right towards Tony. Tony gagged and stepped back.

"This ain't right, I'm calling for back up," Tony told the kid. Peter gaped at him.

"You were the back up," Peter informed him. Tony rolled his eyes before calling Steve, who said he'd bring Bucky. They showed up soon, and scoffed when they saw the 'threat'. Bucky smiled and reached out to the spider. It jumped. Everyone screamed in a high pitched voice and Bucky flailed his arm around quickly, trying to get the gross thing off. When things calmed down, Peter was clinging to the ceiling, crying. Tony and Steve were hiding behind the couch, and Bucky was shuddering.

Next, they called for Sam, Rhodey, and Clint. Sam let out a girlish scream as soon as he saw the spider and bolted to Peter's room. Clint looked disgusted and went to join Tony, Steve, and Bucky, and watch from the protection of the couch. Rhodey rolled his eyes and brought his foot down on the creature. Everyone in the room sighed in relief, until he lifted his foot. Millions of tiny spiders scattered around. The screams came back, louder this time. Sam came out to see what was up, only to climb on top of the counter and cry.

They called Wanda and Natasha. When they showed up, they rolled their eyes and began killing the spiders.

And that is what May came home to. An apartment of Avengers. Her nephew on the ceiling, three Avengers hiding on her couch, one literally sobbing on her counter, while the two girls killed a massive amount of spiders.

Yet, she couldn't find herself to be surprised.

Her only question...

Where did the avengers come from?

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