Meme Lords

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It was a normal day at school for Peter Flash was nicking at him every once in a while, Ned was fanboying, MJ wanted to leave, pretty normal. Until the intercom came on in the middle of math.

"Pardon the interruption," that voice was definitely not the secretary, but why does it sound so familiar?

"WHAT THE FUCK IS UP PETER? NO, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY TO ME?" Then, it clicked. Shuri. Peter was about to fling himself out the door when it swung open, to reveal Shuri, wearing cheap shades and pointing directly at him. Peter broke down laughing.

"STEP THE FUCK UP PETER," Peter stood on his desk.


"Mr. Parker-"

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE AMERICAN," Shuri screamed, cutting the teacher off.

"Excuse me, but what-"

"SHURI GET BACK HERE," no doubt that was T'Challa. Shuri screeched and tackled Peter, for no reason. Peter 'oofed' as the weight of Shuri brought him down. Luckily, his head didn't hit the floor. He lost his breath and coughed roughly, but laughed anyway. T'Challa ran in. He eyed to group of teens wearily before resting his eyes on Shuri.

"Oh! Peter, are you okay? Shuri get off of him!" T'Challa said quickly. Peter gave a thumbs up.

"Hi Mr. Black Panther! I'm fine! Just lost my breath for a bit," Peter grinned. T'Challa had to literally pry his sister off of Peter.

"Please, its T'Challa," Peter was corrected. He simply shrugged and sat up, now that Shuri's weight was lifted. A snort came from the doorway.

"Yeah good luck with that. Been trying that on him for months now," it was Tony fucking Stark.

"Okay, what? What's going on?" Peter asked. Tony smiled.

"Uh, we were gonna pick you up like normal... Well, I was. Then Shuri and T'Challa showed up and tagged along. Apparently Shuri couldn't wait and ran in... Sorry kid," Peter sighed. With a glance at the clock, telling him there was only a few seconds of class left, he quickly began gathering his stuff.

"Mr. Parker-"

"I'm sorry Mr. Harrison, I really am," Peter said quickly. The bell rang and he left his awestruck class in the dust. (OOF)

That night Peter was making himself a snack when Shuri snuck up on him.

"PETER!" she yelled while grabbing his shoulders. Peter screamed and dropped what he was cooking before whirling around.

"Staaaahhhp, I could've dropped my croissant!" he cast a sad look at the ground, where his hot pocket laid. "I dropped my hot pocket,"

Shuri was a mess.

Peter sprinted into the living room Wednesday morning dressed in his spider suit but without the mask, instead, he had goggles on.

He stared at the Avengers before,



Shuri waited for Peter to get back. As soon as he entered the room she threw something at him. Peter easily caught it.

"Its an avacado..." Shuri picked up.


Let's just say, when Shuri and Peter enter the room, everyone evacuated. They don't try to be discrete about it either.

One day Peter swung into the room with Shuri running after him, water gun in hand. The Earth's Mightiest Heroes screamed and ran out in different directions. Peter and Shuri paid no mind and continued to play their ridiculous game.

One time, Peter fell asleep on the couch, not making it to his bed or even out of his suit. He was injured, not badly, but injured. Shuri was the first to see him. She had easily patched him up then tucked him in with a smile. Her friend is fucking awesome.

Oof send help plz... This has been sitting in my drafts for the longest time guys, like, seriously lmao.

Oh and I'm gonna do like, a super late whumptober... So be expecting a bunch of updates lmao

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